Typed and spelled as written:
Kay Cunningham


The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 9
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, April 28, 1904


     Editor, DEMOCRAT:--Well Mr. Editor as I am alone this evening and feel rather lonesome, I will drop you a few lines. I have been around some in the last few days and find some places, especially in bottom, that is pretty badly done up with the frost, but take it as a whole farmers are in fine shape and if we have no more frost crops will soon come out all right there will be lots of winter cotton to plant over. Mr. Editor it looks so foolish to see men that have farmed for years and know cotton to be a warm weather plant, and then go to planting it in mid winter. There was one farmer over here so I am told that started to planting on the last day of January and planted one hundred acres; of course he has to plant over. If we don't get more rain soon oats and wheat will be very short in this part of the county and as to fruit I fear the crop will not be as good as was first anticipated, some trees seem to be very full while others have very few on them.
I see that some of the correspondents to your paper think like myself, that two terms in office are enough, I think as he old saying is, that there is as good fish in the sea as was ever caught out, so I say pass the thing around, and that is the sentiment of most of the people in this part of the county; While they all agree that the present set of officers are as fine a set of men as any county in the state could produce. A few words as, to the picnic at Durango: There was not an extra large crowd but all seemed to enjoy themselves splendidly; had a fine dinner, candidates were all there with their most pleasant smiles on and all told the good people of their troubles and all seemed to be in dead earnest about wanting to serve the good people for the next two years. Well, I will close this epistle as it is growing most too long. Yours truly,

Lott Texas.


Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.