Typed by: Theresa Carhart

GAINEY, J. H.                                             Feb 27, 1915

Surnames: GAINEY

On last Tuesday night, Feb 16th, Dr. J. H. Gainey's soul went in searchof that not made with human hands. Dr. Gainey, our friend and physician of Mooreville, placed himself in the McCelvey sanitarium at Temple, where he underwent an operation of which he did not survive. His death was a great shock to this connunity indeen, as but very few close friends know the seriousness of his physical condition. Dr. Gainey was not a man to air his troubles. We learn his was kidney affection of short duration, dating back to August last. We have not the language to express our regret of his demise. Our loss will be his eternal gain. We are told he met the death angel in perfect peace.
Now, to his dear old mother, who is an invalid, too, we wouldsay: grieve not, for our ways are not God 's ways.
Dr. Gainey came here one year ago from Colorado with some very strong recommendations as a man and as a physician, and to say that he made good is only expressing it midly. He was no manfor folly or foolishness. He was a deep thinkerand a man who studied close, and at the timeof his death had the practice of this community well in hand, a number of people holding prescriptions written by him that money would not buy. Dr. Gainey was a widower with one child, his wife having died some yearsago. His body was shipped direct from Temple to its final resting place and laid by the side of his wife and in the city where he was educated for the medical profession, at Omaha, Nebraska

Marlin Democrat, Feb 27, 1915, page 5 column 5