Typed by: Theresa Carhart

The Marlin Democrat, Thursday, May 29, 1902, page 1

DuBose, H. Rev.

Surnames: DuBOSE

Mr. O. E. DuBose received a telegram Friday morning announcing the death of his father, Rev. H. DuBose which occurred at San Marcus last night.

Deceased was 82 years of age and formerely resided in Marlin, where he has many old friends. His was a pure christian character, full of kindness to his fellowman.

The remains arrived from San Marcus at 3:45 over the H. and T. Co. railway and the interment took place at the cemetery, services being held at the grave.

Rev. H. M. DuBose of Nashville, Tenn., son of deceased accompanied the remains to Marlin.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.