Typed as spelled and written
- Lena Stone Criswell

Fifty-Third Year - Number 60
Marlin, Texas, Monday, May 18, 1953


       Officers for the 1953-54 school term have been installed by the two new P-TA groups among the Marlin white schools--the Elementary School P-TA and the Junior-Senior High School P-TA.  The two new organizations replace a former single organization for the whole school system.
       Mrs. Clinton Reed was installed as president of the new Junior-Senior group.  Other officers installed were Mrs. Henry Rush, first vice president; Mrs. L. G. Jost, second vice-president; Mrs. Ned Delleney, thrid vice-president; Mrs. H. W. Swenson, treasurer; Mrs. George Langford, secretary; Mrs. A. G. Woodland, parliamentarian.
       Mrs. Pat Hodge was installed president of the new Elementary P-TA.  Other officers installed were carry-overs from the old organization, namely, Mrs. Pedro Garcia, first vice president; Mrs. J. C. Hohf, second vice president; Mrs. Mike Meuse, third vice president, Mrs. A. M. Tate, secretary; Mrs. Joel McGregor, treasurer; Mrs. Henry Rush, parliamentarian.
       Installing officers were Principals Sam Gray of the Marlin High School, and Mrs. J. M. Wilson of the Elementary School.
       In a business session, the two groups voted to make an equal division of the funds received in the lat carnival event held at the school.


Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.