Typed as spelled and written - Lena Stone Criswell

(Year missing) - Number 103
Marlin, Texas, Friday Morning, March 18, 1955


       Miss Elsie Eakin of Dallas visited her mother, Mrs. E. A. Eakin Sunday.

       Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stacey of Groesbeck visited in the Jack Featherston on Sunday.

       Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McKey and family of League City visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McKey over the weekend and attended the funeral of his uncle, Louis Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Tull and family and Mrs. Paul Reed of Gueydon, Louisiana, came with them.

       Mr. and Mrs.J. W. Copeland and girls of Lufkin visited Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Tull over the weekend.

       Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Hicks and her brother, Steve Drake have returned from a month's vacation in Boston, Mass.

       Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haymes of Rosebud were in Chilton to attend Mrs. Key Martin's funeral.

       Mrs. Louis Eakin of Lott, Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Mrs. Ruby McCoy, Mrs. Viesta Farmer of Durango were in Chilton Saturday.

       Mrs. Felix Butte, Dallas; Mrs. Morris Horne, Dallas; Roy Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Alston of Marlin; Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Price, Bertram; Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Powell, Mr. and Mrs. William Price, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton, Waco; Mrs Ruby Harlan, San Antonio; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sche(  )menge, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Martin, Waco; Roy Shields, Eddy; Mr. and Mrs. Walton Hargroves, Rosebud; Mr. and Jack Fulton, Mrs. L(ee) Needham, Waco; Mr. and Mrs. Garland Welch, Marlin; Mrs. Willie Davis, Waco, all were in Chilton for Mrs. Key Martin's funeral last Friday.
       Rooney Goelzer who is a student in Baylor Medical School in Houston visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goelzer recently.

       Joe Bob Henton who was injured in football practice is reported to be able to be back in school.

       Little Jimmie Tate is in a Temple hospital seriously ill.

       Price Slaughter of Marlin was in Chilton on business one day the past week.

       Mr. and Mrs. Roy Isenhower of Houston visited Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Wells last week.

       Mr. and Mrs. Wigginton of Temple are spending a week in the Check Grammer home.  Mrs. Wigginton is Mr. Grammer's sister.

       Rev. A. A. Bratcher, pastor of the Chilton Baptist Church, resigned last Sunday and the family will move to Duncanville next week.  The church had a farewell
get-together for them Wednesday night.

       Mrs. Alto Miller visited in the Russell Putt one day the past week.

       Mrs. Olive Pierce visited her son and wife in Marlin the past week.

       Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Richardson of Houston were in Chilton Sunday and Monday.

       Chilton Baptist W.M.S. met at the church Thursday and packed a box of clothing for the Round Rock home.

       The Demonstration Club met Tuesday in the of Mrs. Robert Powell.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas.