The Daily Democrat
Thirtieth year - Number 304
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, April 22, 1931



Believes He Would Put Stamp of Approval
on Girls 4-H Club Method
Commending the talk of Senator Tom Connally before the East Texas
Chamber of Commerce convention in Marlin, Miss Onah Jacks, Falls county
demonstration agent, says : "He talaked 'demonstrations' when he
said that to raise cotton to sell in Japan to buy pork that is raised and
butchered and packed in Kansas and Iowa is a pretty round-bout way to get
"He no doubt put his stamp of approval on the 4-H pantry demonstration
as a means of procuring articles of food properly."

Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her Volunteers
for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.