Typed as spelled and written
- Lena Stone Criswell



Thirty-First Year - Number 176
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, November 25, 1931


Marlin-Parent Teacher Association
Hold Its Regular November

A mother is the greatest executive in the world," stated Mrs. W. G. Dunkum, quoting Dr. Ada Arlitt, national P.T.A. chairman, in a group study Tuesday afternoon in the school auditorium preceding the regular November session of the Marlin Parent-Teacher Assocating, adding:

"A mother's first obligation is to the child and first, to give the child health; second, to stress obedince (sic) at all times.  "Spare the rod and spoil the child" is no longer the slogan of the mother.  Begin right in the matter of obedience and the child will soon learn he must obey at all times.

"Giving children responsibilities, making promieses to children only when meaning to keep them and seeking to gain the children's confidence." were other points discussed.

This was the first of a series of four group study classes to be held by the Marlin P.T.A. to discuss child welfare.

The regular meeting of parents and teachers was opened with amusical (sic) program directed by Mrs. R. M. Kendrick.

Mrs. L. A. Robinson discussed "The Influence of Reading Upon Children." 

The association  voted to co-operate with the medical auxiliary in helping to (missing) the undernourished child(ren) at the school.

Miss Roberta Falconer's room won (missing) books for having the largest num(ber) (most  of sentence missing)



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas.