Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham




Marlin, Texas Saturday, March 28, 1931


'Round About Marlin



The cold wave which spread over the Southwest brought freezing weather, according to reports coming in from various sections of the county today. In Marlin there were a number of reports showing the temperature was below freezing Friday night and this morning.


W. R. Manor said the thermometer on the back porch of his on north Ward

street registered 30 degrees Friday night about eleven o'clock. Miss Gladys Brent said her thermometer at on Craik street registered 30. A. O. Curry, on Capps street, said his registered 30 degrees at 7 a.m. today. Reports from others seem to establish beyond doubt that the temperature was around that figure ---- two degrees below freezing.


Ice vessels was reported, but there seems to have been little, if any, on the found where water is standing. Citizens from Blue Ridge, Reagan, Otto, Chilton, and other sections report observing ice, but very little on the ground, although there were thin streaks in some pools of water. Reports had if Friday the cold wave would bring about the lowest temperature and the "biggest" freeze of the winter, but this does not seem to be the case. While the temperature went below freezing, the warmth in the ground, shrubs, and vegetables prevented appreciable evidences of the low temprature. Damage appears to be light.


According to various opinions, it will require two of three days to

estimate the extent of the damage to fruit and vegetables, if any, in Falls county. Many are of the opinion that little of no damage was done as fruit trees are past the stage in which they are most susceptible to cold. W. A. Gee of Chilton, was in Marlin today, said that there was some ice in the pools of water along the road and in the low places, but from all appearance gardens and fruit trees are not damaged.


Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.