Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham


The Daily Democrat
Thirty-First Year Number 181
Marlin, Texas Tuesday, December 1, 1931
Mission Study Course held at Baptist Church
Conducted by Woman Who Has Traveled
in Thirteen Foreign Lands.

Conducted by Mrs. Tidwell of Waco, who has travelled in 13 foreign countries, a mission study course was held at the First Baptist church of Marlin today.
About 25 attended, including a delegation of five from Chilton. Lunch was served at the church.
"China's Real Revolution" is a book from which Mrs. Tidwell presented the study course. Through her extensive travels, she was able to bring intimate touches to the various phases of foreign missions touched.
The program opened with the song, "Joy to the World," followed by devotional led by Mrs. J. G. Barganier. Mrs. B. M. Kendrick gave a vocal solo and Mrs. S. D. Dollahite introduced Mrs. Tidwell to the assembly.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.