Volume XIII         Number 39
A Weekly Newspaper for All the People
Saturday, February 20, 1932


       Marlin.--Sunday was another wonderful day at all the churches.  Sunday school opened at Providence at the usual hour Sunday with Supt. Matthews and teachers at their post.  The pastor came forward with a wonderful review.  Rev. Diddle preached the 11 o'clock hour; we enjoyed the message.  The pastor, Rev. Mitchell preached a wonderful sermon at night, text, "Never a man spoke like this man;"  subject, "Power of Speech."  Mrs. Ewing of Waco, sang a soul stirring solo.  Services at Davis Chapel M. E. Church were well attended and the pastor preached a wonderful sermon which he so beautifully illustrated.  The young men council of Davis Chapel is showing great signs of success, having recently organized.  The Ministerial Alliance met in its weekly meeting at the Providence Baptist Church Tuesday morning, Feb. 16.  The president, Rev. R. L. Washington; Dr. L. J. Jackson taught the lesson.  The committee on city missionary made their report and the citywide missionary was organized.  Sister I. D. Coffee, president; Sister E. A. Mozee, secretary; Sister E. Gamble, treasurer, and Sister R. A. Reed, supervisor of the mission work.  The next meeting will be held at the Davis Chapel M. E. Church Tuesday, Feb. 23 at 10 o'clock. Read The Houston Informer.--Harry Nelson, Reporter.


Submitted, typed and
spelled as written by
Lena Stone Criswell