Typed as spelled - Lena Stone Criswell

The Daily Democrat
Thirty-first year - Number 230
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, January 28, 1932



The Members Consider Methods of
Raising Money for Club

To the Democrats:

The Travis Demonstration Club met Tuesday, January 26, at Mrs. D. S. Cansler's, with eleven present, one new member, Mrs. Rob Jonana, and one visitor, Miss Jacks.

The club was called to order by the president, Mrs. Dees, the club sang "America," and the minutes were read by the secretary, Miss Ratcliff.  The club voted on making a quilt in order to raise money.  Mrs. Matthewson, Miss Ratcliff and Miss Matthewson were appointed by the president.  The entertainment committee are Mrs. Peeler, Mrs. Causler and Mrs. Koehl.  The program committee consists of Miss Ratliff, Mrs. Weeks and Mrs. Bill Adams. The motion was made that the club get equipment such as the cooker and sealer, but not much discussion was on that, as it was "laid on the table."

Next, Miss Jacks took the floor and talked on beautifying the yards.  She, also, planned some ways.  Mrs. Wallace, the yard demonstrator might beautify her yard, the shrubs and trees to get, and where she might find them.

Mrs. Cansler is the pantry demonstrator, so she invited the club in to see her pantry.  Everyone thought her pantry very nice and each wished they had one like it.

Our next meeting will be at Mrs. Peeler's Tuesday, February 9, at two o'clock.  The club welcomes the new member into the club and urge that all the members be present so that we may discuss our social for February.  We hope Miss Jacks will be back with us soon.                                        Reporter


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co, Texas