Typed as spelled and written - Lena Stone Criswell

Forty-First year - Number 84
Marlin, Texas, Friday Morning, April 10, 1931


Committes Appointed During
Session Held at Courthouse
in Marlin

The Falls County Council of Demonstration Clubs met Tuesday afternoon in the district court room with 26 members present, composed of the president and one elected delegate from each club.  Mrs. Louis Williams, president, called the meeting to order with Mrs. E. F. Melburn acting as secretary.  Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Miss Onah Jacks, county demonstration agent, spoke on the place of the year book.

Committees appointed were:

Year Book--Mrs. E. J. Holze of (may be Alto), chairman; Mrs. Jewel Mears of Cedar Springs; Mrs. J. M. Herridge of Reagan.

Finance--Mrs. R. K. Burks of Moreville, Mrs. Albert Lewis at Mustang, Mrs. J. M. Earls of Cego.

Entertainment--Mrs. John Upchurch of Mooreville, Mrs. J. Ptzke of Cedar Springs, Mrs. Will Walker of Satin.

Marketing--Mrs. W. H. Earl of Chilton, Mrs. Alfred Roming of Beulah, Mrs. John Allen of Alto.

Exhibit--Mrs. H. H. Tate of Blue Ridge, Mrs. Geo Hetherington of Reagan, Mrs. R. L. Perdue of Lamar Club, Marlin.

Miss Jacks explained the duties of  special demonstrators to be appointed from each club, such as a pantry demonstrator, garden, yard and wardrobe; these demonstrators to have their projects planned by the county agent and A. and M. College extension service and ready for inspection by club members at any time.  Much interest was manifested by all present.

Mooreville reported the club had paid for a canner and sealer by members selling chickens.  The also gave a "42" party which netted $7. Reports from other clubs will be given in this county.

Everyone interested is requested to attend Demonstration Day at Baylor College, Belton April 23, beginning at 10 a.m.

Mrs. John Maxwell of Waco was present at the meeting and gave a talk on the work, congratulating the women of the county in obtaining
Miss Jacks as agent.

The council will meet in the courthouse on the first Tuesday of each month at two p.m.



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas.