Typed as spelled and written

by Lena Stone Criswell



Eighteenth Year - Number 61

Marlin, Texas, Saturday, December 21, 1907


The Matinee Musical Club.


    The Wednesday Matinee Musical Club met Wednesday afternoon with Miss Rosalis Battle.

    The lesson was on Edward McDowell.  The program was as follows:


    Vocal duet--Miss Finks and Mrs. Connally.

    Music in America--Miss Peyton.

    Piano duet--Mrs. Burkhead and Miss Foster.

    Piano solo--Miss Battle.


    The attendance at this meeting was not very large, though there was much interest in afternoon's meeting.

    The club meets next with Miss Clarkson.



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing

by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.