Typed as spelled and written

by Lena Stone Criswell



Eighteenth Year - Number 61

Marlin, Texas, Saturday, December 21, 1907




    The 1907 Teachers Institute Takes

First Rank.


    The Falls County Teachers Institute for 1907 takes first rank in the institute held up to this time.

    The papers read and the discussions thereon have been thorough treatises of the subjects covered and great good has resulted to the teachers and will result to the educational interests of the county.

    The program, as printed in this paper, has been followed with hardly a variation.  The papers show study and research, pains-taking (sic) and conscientious effort on the part of the teachers to whom the subjects were assigned.

    The members of the institute have received great enthusiasm from the timely, earnest and practical talks of Dr. W. S. Sutton, the veteran and justly famed educator.  His ideas on education, expressed in his convincing manner, are an inspiration to younger teachers and they are not slow to express their appreciation.

    The teachers are enjoying the week's vacation and recreation to the fullest extent.  The social feature of these institutes if of no small consideration and is being made the most of by teachers at this meeting--and they are all here.



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing

by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.