Typed as spelled and written

by Lena Stone Criswell






Eighteenth Year - Number 58

Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, December 11, 1907




Dispute Over Entry of Birth Re-

cord Said to Be Cause.


    The shooting of Rev. W. E. Mason, a well known Baptist minister, his wife and his mother, at Cleburne has cause more excitement in Johnson county than anything that has ever happened there.  Rev. Mason charges his own brother, Bud Mason, a Dallas engraver, with the crime and says that a dispute over a settlement of family business matters, in which a birth record in the family Bible was involved, lead to the attack on himself and the ladies.


    The following from Cleburne thrown some additional light on the tragedy:


    "Cleburne, Texas, Dec. 9.--The tragedy, in which Rev. W. E. Mason, his wife and mother were shot down by an assassin, is the sole topic of conversation, the excitement increasing as time passes.  The minister's wife is still alive, but there is scarcely a hope entertained for her recovery.  Mr. Mason and his mother will recover unless unforeseen complications arise.  Mr. Mason, it develops, was hit by three bullets, but all his wounds are slight.  No arrests have been made, although posses have been out all day searching the country in an effort to arrest the accused party.  If the suspected man had been caught today, it is doubtful if the officers could have protected him, as the feeling is intense and bitter.


    "Rev. Mr. Mason and his wife and mother had been to the Henderson Street Baptist church, where he held services.  A little before 9 o'clock he started for his home, five or six blocks distant, in a buggy.  He drove unsuspecting down the street toward his home, turned to the rear of the house and had entered the back yard and was in the act of driving up to the house to let the ladies out, when suddenly and without warning a man stepped out of the shadow of the barn and opened fire point blank on the occupants of the buggy."


Mason in Fort Worth Jail.


Fort Worth, Texas, Dec. 9--Curtis Mason, charged with the shooting of his mother, brother and sister-in-law at Cleburne Saturday night, has been captured and is in Fort Worth.


    He was arrested in bed at his father's near Granbury by Sheriff J. G. Swofford, who brought him to Fort Worth upon hearing that a mob was gathering at Cleburne prepared to take the law into their own hands upon his arrival there with the prisoner.


    Mason says that the triple shooting was the result of an old family quarrel.  He declares his victims were all around him when he began shooting and that he did not know whom he hit.  He showed considerable relief upon being told that all three were living.


    From the story of the tragedy as secured from him at the city hall, where he is temporarily lodged, Curtis Mason appears to have no recollection of the events proceding (sic) or following the incident.  He admits that an operation was performed upon him following a severe attach of typhoid fever many years ago, by Dr. Turner of Arlington Heights, and Dr. Langdon.  He appears perfectly rational, but sticks to the statement that he does not know how he got to Cleburne or away from there.




Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing

by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.