Typed as spelled and written

Lena Stone Criswell




Eighteenth Year - Number 8

Marlin, Texas, Thursday,  April 18, 1907




    The Democrat knows that it touches a responsive chord in the hearts of Marlin citizenship  when it expresses appreciation to Retiring Fire Chief Nettles, for his great work in behalf of the fire department and of the safety and welfare of the people ef (sic) Marlin.

    It is ten years now, since Bolivar Nettles took hold of the problem of providing a better means of fighting fire in Marlin and we do not believe there is a citizen who will deny that he has fully accomplished the purpose that moved him.  This town has one of the best, if not the best, volunteer departments in the state, equipped and panopled for successfully handling any ordinary fire, with an even chance as to uncertain conditions which the department cannot, in the nature of things, control.

    Beginning with no asset, save and except fire boys, Chief Nettles has built a department of which the town may well be proud.  There have been handicaps and obstacles, but they have, in a great measure, been overcome by the indomitable pluck and energy of the chief and his band of loyal followers.

    The new chief, George H. Carter, has been one of the most active firemen and, while regretting that Chief Nettles has seen fit to retire, it is certain that his mantle has fallen upon worthy and competent shoulders.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing

by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.