Typed as spelled and written

Lena Stone Criswell




Eighteenth Year - Number 6

Marlin, Texas, Thursday,  April 4,  1907




Other Small Towns Getting Them

--Why Not Marlin?


    A dispatch from Washington says that the secretary of the treasury department has selected sites for the new buildings at Gonzales and  Eagle Pass, for which appropriations have been made by Congress of $50,000 each.  The Gonzales building will be placed on a beautiful plot of ground 130x130 feet and the Eagle Pass building on a lot of 150 square feet.

    Gonzales and Eagle Pass are good towns, grant you, but neither one of them is a better town than Marlin, and neither of them is of the commercial importance that Marlin is.

    Why are they recognized?  Because people interested there have pressed their claims to the government.  As a consequence two beautiful buildings are to be erected and maintained by the government in those towns.

    We dont doubt that Marlin people will urge their claims at the proper time and that those claims will be recognized in due time.  Why not?



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing

by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.