Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 38
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, October 02, 1907
There Are But Two Cases And They
Are Mild.

       There is absolutely no reason for the fright and alarm that has manifested itself within the past three days over the diphtheria situation in this town.  There has not been but three cases in Marlin since the matter first came to the attention of the city health officer.  Two of these cases have practically recovered and the third will, in all probability, be well in a very few days.  None of these cases have been of a serious nature all having been treated energetically by the health physician and the physicians called in their regular practice.  Everyone of these cases have been closely watched and further contagion warded off by every known remedy.
       The greatest amount of trouble in instances like this is caused by nervous people who become excited when there is really no real cause for it.  Reports have gotten in circulation of cases at various and sundry places where there was not a person sick, some where there was no children to have it.  The result is that the attendance at the schools has been reduced without cause and a general state of excitement has prevailed.  It is now time to call a halt and quit talking.
       Dr. Ward, the city's Health Officer, has let nothing escape him.  No precaution that could be taken has been omitted nor will it be.  No case, known to exist, has been kept a secret nor will it be and The Democrat will print the facts at any time and all the time.
       The case of the Warbol child that was placed under treatment Saturday is not diphtheria and now has no symptoms of the disease, if indeed it ever had.  The only two cases within a week are the Lawrence and Alexander children.  Neither of these were very serious and are convalescing.
       If any more cases develop they will be reported in these columns.  But there is every reason to believe that the danger from the infected cases is passed and that there will be no spread.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas