Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 15
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, June 6, 1907
Music Club Closes Its Year.

       The club closes its year with the pleasant thought that the last meeting was a very happy one.  Miss Foster was the hostess to the club and the lowering clouds didn't effect the warmth of her welcome or dampen the girls' ardor.  Roll call was appropriately answered with "adieus."
       The president has had a number of requests from musical clubs for the course of study, which we have just completed.  This course was prepared by a work committee from our club, and we feel that we have been paid a very high compliment since these requests came from some of the best clubs in the federation.
       After the regular business session the election of officers was held and the result was as follows:
       Mrs. Tom Connally, president.
       Miss Frank, vice president.
       Miss Somervell, recording secretary.
       Mrs. Levi, corresponding secretary.
       Mrs. Burkhead, censor.
       Mrs. Horne, choir director.
       Miss Battle, treasurer.
       Miss Clarkson, librarian.
       Mrs. Horne read a very clever history of the past term of the club.  It took the form of a fairy story.  The scene was laid in the court of the "Purple Princess"--the Purple Princess and her retinue of maids and ladies occupied the chief place of interest in the story.
       After adjournment Miss Foster served a delicious two course luncheon.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas