Typed as spelled and written

by Lena Stone Criswell






Eighteenth Year - Number 58

Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, December 11, 1907


Farewell Reception.


    Another delightful function was recorded Friday afternoon when the members of the Ladies Aid Society entertained Rev. Andrews and wife and Mrs. C. C. Morris with a farewell party.


    The elegant of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Kyser was the place chosen for this occasion.  The Kyser lends itself readily to such functions, so spacious and elegant in its appointments.  A little surprise program had been arranged for the entertainment of the guests.  One of the special features of the program was a review of the work accomplished by the society during the past five years, in which the parting guests had labored so faithful.


    In a beautiful little speech Mrs. Doughty toasted "The Pastor's Wife."  Mrs. Fountain, in her usual happy way, toasted Mrs. Morris.  Mrs. Rogers, in behalf of the society, thanked Rev. Andrews for his hearty co-operation and sympathy in all the different depar(t)ments of work fostered by the society.  Rev. Andrews, in a very appropriate speech, spoke beautifully and in a Christlike manner of his going from the church that he so much loved.


    And it is with saddened hearts that the society parts with their pastor.


    By special request Rev. Andrews sang one of his beautiful solos, accompanied by Mrs. Morris.  After the spiritual feast was concluded, the program committee served a bountiful repast, consisting of oysters, fruit sald, sandwiches, coffee and tea.


    Guests of the afternoon were Mesdames Moore and Linthicum.



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing

by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.