Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 30
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, September 4, 1907
Farewell Party to Miss Battle.

       Prior to Miss Pauline Battle's departure on Monday evening for Kidd Key college, the Misses Curtis complimented her with "Farewell Evening."  Benches and chairs were arranged on the lawns and a number of Chinese lanterns hung from the porches and spreading boughs added very much to the pretty scene making altogether one of the most attractive garden parties of the season.
       Delicious punch was served throughout the evening by Miss Clara Curtis assisted by Misses Una Curry and Andrew and Ritchie Peyton and the plans of entertainment proved most interesting, each expressive of the farewell idea.
       In the telegram contest, Miss Battle was winner of the first prize, a book, and Geo. Robinson, the booby, a grip of candy.  In the word making contest of "farewell," Albert Nettles scored first prize, a box of stationery and Annie Louise Hunter a booby like the first.
       Towards the close of the evening a delicious course of pressed chicken with accessories was served.
       As a more general expression of good will, many of the guests presented Miss Battle with the prettiest of "P.G's."


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas