Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 41
Marlin, Texas, Saturday, October 12, 1907
Covey of Quail Tempts Local Sports

       A covey of quail appeared in Marlin late Tuesday evening under rather mysterious circumstances and remained over night.  The birds were very tame and scores of eyes feasted upon them at close range, but nary a feather was touched.  Even the small boys refrained from making a target out of them.  One of them alighted in the store of Bunch, Adams & Co., one found a resting place on the calaboose and others perched themselves in different conspicuous places in the business district and chirped their "Bob Whites" in a manner that seemed to say "shoot me if you dare."
       The presence of the entire covey int he city was first established by Alderman Rush who heard their Bob White warbles and knew that he could not be mistaken.
       Some say that the birds were just passing through and stopped to spend the night in the city, while others are inclined to believe that the covey were released near town at the instance of Capt. Jack Watters, Deputy Game Warden, who was merely "trying out" the Marlin sports to see if they could resist the temptation to shoot the quail.
       Anyhow, the quail were unmolested and if it was a scheme of the wary captain, which we very much doubt, then he will have to try again.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas