The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, February 18, 1904

W. M. M. C.

     Miss Dupree was hostess to the Wednesday Matinee Musical Club last week.
     The attendance was large and the meeting proved a very fine one.  The guests were Misses Barthol of Weatherford and Breustedt of Waco.
     The lesson on the life of Weber was led by Miss Agnes Peyton.
     The program of the meeting was on literary subjects as follows:
     "Love story of Schubert," by Mrs. F. M. Burkehead.
     "Love story of Paderewski," by Miss Agnes Peyton.
     "Love story of Schuman," by Mrs. Lillie Frank Levi.
     Miss Dupree served refreshments, a salad course with olives and wafers; charlotte russe and chocolate.
     Lovely souvenirs, white satin sachets, in shape of heart, painted on one side purple violets and on the other a bar of music, and tied with white and purple ribbon were presented to each member.
     The invitation to met with Miss Nora Robinson on next Wednesday was accepted and a musical program will be arranged for the afternoon.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.