The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, April 14, 1904

Houses Blown Away, Trees and Fences

     A considerable portion of the Blue Ridge country was swept by the winds on Thursday afternoon. The greatest damage reported was done in the vicinity of Woodland settlement. The, residence of Mit Cormelison was entirely blown away and the family miraculously escaped death or serious injury. The contents of the house, furniture, etc, were scattered in all directions, amounting almost to a total destruction.
     A negro tenant's house on the Ward farm near Reagan was blown away, but none of the occupants were seriously hurt.
     Small tenant houses, smoke houses, barns, fences and trees that happened to be in the path of the storm were in most cases swept away. The path of the wind, which was of a cyclonic nature, was scarcely more than thirty yards wide in any place, and in some and in one or two instances halt a house was torn away and carried off, leaving the other half standing.
     The storm came in several sections and from different directions. Its trails were like those of a serpent winding in and out in its course of destruction.
     There was no rain or hail on lower Blue Ridge, but the hail fall at Otto and near Odds and at old Ogden was very heavy, doing the crops much damage in some localities.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.