The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 20
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, July 14, 1904


     DEAR EDITOR: - As I very seldom see or read anything in THE DEMOCRAT of Perry and its surroundings, I can not well withstand the temptation to let the readers of THE DEMOCRAT know that we people In this part of the country are still in existence, not blown away by the strong south winds (which surely were plentiful this spring) or starved out by the boll bug. No, indeed not.
     Prospects for crops are good.  Oats turned out over an average crop, from 50 to 100 bushels per acre.  The corn crop promises to be a good one.  Yes, you may say it already is.
     As for the cotton crop, we are living in good hopes.  Cotton is looking time, most of it being fee of weeds.
     The insects have done but very little damage up till now, and we shall not feel very much insulted if Mr. Boll Weevil or Mrs. Boll Weevil should neglect to pay us their visit.
     Mr. Otto Rau and family, who have been on a few months trip to California, where Mr. Rau had attended the general conference
of the M. E. church at Los Angeles, have returned home, and state that they had a very pleasant trip.
     Mr. Hermann Wiebusch, a former Perry boy, who left here about two months ago for Germany and East Africa, and who is still there by now wrote from Berlin, Germany, that he had a very pleasant trip there and jolly good time during his two weeks stay in the old country.
     The directors of the Germania Mutual Aid Association will hold their annual meeting in Perry, beginning July 12, and all members of the different local chapters of the Association are welcome to attend the meeting.
     Now, Mr. Editor, before I close I want to thank the Marlin people and merchants for the interest they take in the welfare of the farmers (by the way, not forgetting themselves,) in giving them those special sale days, which I think is a good way in bringing the farmer and merchant on more friendly terms.
     And you, Bro. Farmer, who are readers of THE DEMOCRAT, I would like to ask to please let us know through the columns of this paper how you, your crops and everything in general are getting along. By doing so it would bring us farmers in closer contact.
     This being all at present.  I remain          A FARMER.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.