Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Thirteenth Year - Number 34
Marlin, Texas,Thursday, October 23, 1902

List of Dates For Speakers Announced

       In response to a call of Chairman John R. Southwell, the Falls County Democratic Executive Commitee met Monday afternoon in the district court room for the purpose of arranging for the opening of the campaign.
       Secretary Spivey being absent Prentice Oltorf was appointed secretary protem.
       There was a quorum present and for a time the discussion as to the campaign was of an informal nature.  Committeeman Hoelscher, of Westphalia, tendered the committee and the candidates a pressing invitation to open the campain (sic) at that placeon Wednesday Oct 22. On motion of N. J. Lewellyn the invitation was accepted.
       A motion was made by J. M. Freeman that dates be made for the remainder of the time until the election for the democratic candidates and speakers.  An amendment was offered by Judge Boyles that Chairman and Secretary arrange the dates.  A substitute was offered by Alva Furguson that a campaign committee of three be appointed to arrange the dates and assist the chairman of the committee in conducting the campaign.  The substitute was adopted.
       On motion of N. J. Lewellyn the chairman was instructed to assess the candidates in prorata sufficient to raise $150 for the purpose of paying the necessary expenses of the campaign.
       It was the sense of the committee that every effort be made to get out a full vote of the county that the representation in the conventions might be maintained and every democrat in the county was urged to work to that end.
       Chairman Southwell appointed the following as the committee to arrange the dates:  D. H. Boyles, N. J. Lewellyn and J. M. Kennedy.


       The following resolutions were introduced and adopted unanimously:


       by N. J. Lewellyn--
             Whereas, Hon. J. J. Swann, at present, senator from this
district, will be an applicant to the incoming administration for superintendent of orphans at Corsicana, Texas.
             Therefore be it resolved by the Democratic Executive Committee of Falls county that we endorse Senator Swann in the strongest terms for said appointment, that we publically testity to his peculiar fitness and faithful service to the Democracy when in need of service, to his capacity and unquestioned ability to fill any position with credit and distinction.


       By A. F. Ferguson--
             Whereas, Hon. John R. Southwell, of this county at present chairman of this committee, is a candidate for Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives of the Twenty-Eighth Legislature of Texas; and whereas Mr. Southwell is personally unknown to most of those who will be representatives in the next House and a testimonial from those who know him best would not be impropery.
             Therefore be it resolved by the Executive Committee of the Democratic Party of Falls county that we recommend Mr. Southwell as being in every way qualified to properly discharge the duties of said office; that we recommend him to the Democracy of Texas as a worthy and consistent Democrat, always loyal, willing at all times to make personal sacrifices for the party.
             That we commend him for his fidelity and ability and urge up on the members of the house to give his claims their careful consideration, assuring them that their confidence will not have been misplaced should he be elected to this position of trust and honor.


       By D. H. Boyles--
             Resolved by the Falls County Democratic Execvtive (sic) Committee that we endorse the Hon. A. A. Peoples, as a suitable man for Chief Clerk of the General Land Office, whom we believe to be in every way competent and capable of filling such position with credit to himself and satisfaction to the people of Texas; and would respectfully request the Hon. J. J. Terrell to appoint him to said position.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas