The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 8
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, June 2, 1904


     The fifth Sunday meeting of Falls Co. association that convened with the church at Glade chapel, was a grand success from the beginning up to the time that left, 11 a. m. Sunday.
     The holy spirit's fervor was in the meeting, and the mind and hearts of the brethen from the beginning. All of the subjects were fully and ably discussed by the brethen present. Many of the lay brethen taking an active part in most of the subjects discussed.
     It was fully decided that the association would buy a tent 40 by 60 for holding meetings in destitute places during the summer. The sum of $100 was furnished by the churches present to be paid to the treasurer by the 20th of June. So that the tent may be had by July the first. Brethen let us not forget that this amount will not be sufficient by at least $75, but some of the good people present agreed to be responsible for the deficit. So it seems to me that the tent is a certainty in the near future.
     Brother Evans a young brother in the ministry, made a good talk Saturday night from the 15th chapter of John.
     Sunday morning the time was fully and ably occupied by brother Nobles. His theme was "Love." He held up, and pictured to the people Christ from the time of his birth until his crucifiction, and looking over, the congregation could be seen many tear stained eyes, and oh how he appealed to the unsaved to accept Jesus as their Savior. Some 12 or 15 presented themselves for prayer. Saying by their actions they wanted Christ as their Savior and before the meeting closed 4 did accept him and 3 were reclaimed, to God be all the praise.



Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.