Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham

The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, February 4, 1904

Jim Johnson Tries
To Drive A

    The inate desire to drive a bargain led Jim Johnson, a negro who wanted to get married, to make a novel proposition to County Clerk Rogers Thursday.  Jim was short on silver but long on pumpkins.  So he Conceived the idea of a barter and approached the county clerk about in this wise:  "Boss, I hears you am very fond ob pumkins and as I wants to git married, I hab come befo' you to gib you some of dem pumkins for a pair o' licens to git married wid.  Dey sho' is fine and I knows you would like dem.  I wants a good pair o' dem papers and will gib you all de pumpkins you wants."  Now Mr. Rogers is, in fact, very fond of the lucious pumpkin but as this is a little late in the season and the fee law very plain as to what constitutes legal tender for public services, he informed the would-be bridegroom that "no cash, no license."  Thereupon Jim proceeded to shell out the coin.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.