The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 10
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, May 5, 1904


     Editor Reece Wilson of the Lockhart Register recently visited Marlin and here is what he says in his paper concerning the town:
     "Marlin, the beautiful little city 25 miles east of Waco, and the county site of Falls county, perhaps has more visitors than any other city of the state.
     Some years ago the people of that City spent thirty thousand dollars for boring a well to supply the city with water. When the depth of 3350 had been gone a supply of 200,000 gallons daily were obtained. Instead of getting a pure water for city purposes low, and behold, a water was flowing similar to that, of Carlsbad, and of course could not be used for domestic purposes. By accident it was found to contain wonderful curative properties, and today thousands from all parts of the United States are there to be cured of all diseases for which, hot water is a cure. The time is not far distant when not half the people will be able to be accommodated, so popular and wonderful is the water. Each year there is an increase of visitors. There are many in this state who have no conception of the wonderful water of Marlin. This article is written in the hopes that those who are sufferers from eczema, rheumatism and kindred diseases may go there and be cured."


Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.