Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Thirteenth Year - Number 27
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, September 4, 1902
Will Make Confederate Day A Pleas-
ant One.

       The Falls County Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. J. W. Bartlett.
       The major portion of this interesting meeting was devoted to a consideration of the arrangements for Confederate Day during carnival week.
       The arrangements for that day will be under the direction of the Daughters of the Confederacy who will be assisted by the veterans, a committee from whom were present at the meeting.  It was the sense of the meeting that that a general invitation be extended the people of the county especially the wives and daughters of ex-Confederate to come and bring well filled baskets and join in making it a gala day.
       The parade will be something nice if the proper co-operation is given.  The daughters will decorate a float for the occasion, also the veterans and an invitation is extended others to do so.
       The veterans will co-operate with the daughters in the way of supplying meats and bread for the barbecue while the ladies will look after the basket feature.
       The meeting was quite interesting and the entertainment was all that could be desired.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas