The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, March 3, 1904

Subject Discussed Before Small
Audience Thursday

     But a small number of farmers heard the lectures at the court house Thursday afternoon on the subject of improved methods in the culture of cotton, corn and other products of the farm. However, those who were present showed an intense interest in the subjects under consideration and a number of them entered heartily into the discussion.
     The visiting speakers were Stanley H. Watson, Industrial Agent of the H & T C railway; Y. S. Johnston and R. L. Bennett, professors in the A. & M. college at Bryan.
     Mr. Watson is employed by the railroad to travel over the state, attend farmers institutes and meetings and diseminate literature and information concerning the work, undertaken by the department, of advancing the interests of farmers along the line of their road. During his talk Mr. Watson stated that the Central, early in the campaign, proposed to haul free of charge, all fertilizers required for use in the town co-operation demonstration work-that is for the demonstration farms established on farms by the business men of the towns. Mr. Johnston gave his experiences and ideas for the best and most successful culture of corn. He is an Ohioan and was raised in a country where corn is a chief product. Mr. Bennett's remarks were in behalf of improved methods of growing cotton and the proper way to handle the boll weevil and other pests.
     All the speakers agreed that the most practical way to enhance the yield of all crops was intense cultivation, early maturing improved seed and the use of fertilizers when necessary.
     A number of local farmers,- W. D. Kyser, Geo S. Cousins, Jno L. Sylvester, C. O. Leuschner, W. Stallworth, F. M. Stallworth Sr and others, -exchanged views with the gentlemen and with themselves in a very interesting way.
     Altogether the meeting was a good one, though, on account of the short notice possibly, the attendance was not large.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.