The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, April 14, 1904

A magnificent Library of 175 Volumes, worth Five Hundred Dollars.
Contest That Promises to Prove Unusually Interesting

     A number of our enterprising merchants, in connection with the MARLIN DEMOCRAT, have arranged what with no doubt result in a most interesting contest between the PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL, K. of P., W. O. W., THE PUBLIC, LIBRARY ASSOCIATION; COUNTY TEACHERS LIBRARY or any other Church, Iodge or organization you desire to have own the magnificent library on display at CURTIS & CO'S., DEPARTMENT STORE. 
     The following publications constitute the library:
     Ten volume set Classic History.
     Ten volume set Essays and orations.
     Ten volume set Science and Philosophy.
     Ten volume set Oriental Literature.
     Sixteen volume set American Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Gazetteer.
     Twelve volume set Werner's Encyclopedia.
     Seventeen volume set Famous Classic Tales
     Ten volume set of Irving's Works.
     Sixteen volume set Balzac.
     Three volume set Prescott's Histories.
     Seven volume set Ellis History.
     Ten volume set Classic Memoirs. 
     Three volumes Assorted Popular Fiction.
     The conditions are as follows:
     Any lodge, school, church, club, hospital; college of organizatin, public or private is eligible to the contest. Votes for individuals will not be counted. With each ten cent cash purchase a ticket will be given by each merchants through whose liberality this grand Iibrary is furnished, on which will be written this amount of the purchase and the number of votes. The purchaser will write on the ticket the name of the organization, institution for which he or she desires to vote, sign their names and deposit the ticket in the ballot box in the store where and when the purchase is made. The votes will be issuable on any account when paid.
     The standing of the contestants will be published exclusively in each Monday's issue of the Marlin Democrat until July 11th, 1904, at 12  m., when the remaining votes will be counted and the magnificent library awarded to the organization having the largest number of votes.
     The MARLIN DEMOCRAT will publish in each issue a coupon, which will entitle the holder to two votes that will be credited to the institution that is written on space provided for same when mailed to the office of said paper.
     Voting tickets can be secured only from the following merchants:
     CURTIS & CO. DEPARTMENT STORE, dry goods, millinery, notions,    clothing, boots, shoes, etc.
     NETTLES & HOLLOWAY, gents furnishing goods, hats, boots and shoes.
     T. S. CLARK, furniture, carpets and mattings picture moulding, glass, etc.
     ALLEN DRUG COMPANY, drugs, sundries, books; finest soda fount in Marlin.
     W. M, GUNNELL, hardware, queensware, Household supplies.
     FANNIN, HODGES GROCERY CO., staple and fancy groceries.
     ALLEN, CURRY LUMBER CO., lumber, paints, oils, feed grain and coal.
     GEO. FRANK, staple and fancy groceries.
     J. B.  MIRES MARKET, beef, pork, sausage, veal, etc.
     ARTHUR THREADGILL, the only exclusive jewelry house in Marlin.
     VIRIDET & BARTON, harness and saddlery, Harness $6.50 to $30.00 per set, saddles $3 to $40 each.
     WARD'S STUDIO, artistic work in photography, crayon, water color, pastel and India ink.
     SAVAS XYDIAS, Bakery, confectionery, and delicatessen. Cafe just added.
     D. ADAM, TAILOR, Imported goods, best work, cleaning and repairing, all work guaranteed.
     FANNIN & SON  LlVERY, fine turnouts.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.