The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 11
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, May 12, 1904

A Complete Take In By Two Fair

     The proprietor of one of the popular boarding houses in Marlin was made the victim of a realistic joke a few evenings since that he will not soon forget because the joke is so "rich" that he will be oft reminded of it, for the story has "leaked out" and is the general topic at his boarding house and other's as well.
     This particular proprietor of this particular boarding house is very energetic in soliciting for his establishment and is rated among the profession of boosters as one of the smoothest. In fact he is so successful at this line of work that his brother boosters have often discussed the propriety of electing him perpetual president of the Association of Boosters.
     But, to the story.
     Among the guests at this boarding house, run by the prospective president of all the boosters, are two charming and vivacious members of the gentler sex who are here for health and recreation, but who do not object to having a little fun at the expense of some one else. So it was that they conceived a plan to perpetrate a joke on their host. Attired as elderly ladies (which they are not) with haversack, spectacles, etc, they repaired to the I. & G. N. depot just as the 9:45 p. m, train pulled in, and ascending the platform on the "other side" they alighted with the passengers. Of course all the representatives of boarding houses present desired to entertain them and would give them "the best in the city." But none could talk so plausible as the object of the plot, and they said they would go with him. Arriving at his house they were assigned. apartments and made a happy good night by the host.
     To his surprise the elderly ladies failed to appear next morning and he caused his wife (who was "next") to make an investigation. It developed that the ostensable new boarders had departed without paying for their rooms. The proprietor was astounded that such pleasant old ladies would beat their board bill but after being satisfied that the "birds had flown" he reported the matter to the police, determined to collect his due. When things bad gone far enough the plot was revealed to the proprietor and he has been "jollied" so much that it is said he has about decided to forever forsake the ranks of the boosters.


Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.