The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, March 31, 1904

Movement Started In Houston To Push

     A meeting has been held in Houston and a permanent organization perfected, of parties interested in the adoption of what may be termed the "bond amendment" to the constitution.
     This amendment proposes to permit any county, subdivision of any county or number of counties to issue bonds for certain purposes, which may be summarized as follows:
     (a) The improvement of rivers, creeks and streams to prevent overflows, and to permit of navigation thereof or irrigation there from, or in aid of such purposes.
     (b) The construction and maintenance of pools. Lakes, reservoirs, dams, canals and water ways for the purpose of irrigation, drainage of navigation, or in aid thereof.
     (c) The construction, maintenance and operation of macadamized graveled or paved roads all turnpikes, or in aid thereof.
     The original object of the amendment is understood to have been to relieve the land owners of the Brazos valley, or rather to give them an opportunity to relieve themselves from the damages done by overflows. However, the amendment covers the question of irrigation and road improvement, and is rather broad in its scope.
     This amendment will doubtless cause some extensive discussion between now and the election in November. The advocates have already started the ball to rolling and have invited, through the press, all candidates to declare themselves, their idea apparently being to make the adoption of the amendment an issue in the campaign.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.