Typed and spelled as written:

Kay Cunningham




The Marlin Democrat

Fifteenth Year   Number 19

Marlin, Texas, Thursday, July 7, 1904




     Misses Clio Rice and Linda Finks entertained the members of the Basket Ball team with a 6 o'clock luncheon yesterday.  The club colors, red and blue, greeted the guests from the ball suspended from the ceilings of the gallery to the dainty hand painted cards that each guest found at her plate, on which the coy head of a basket ball girl, done in water colors, displayed the artistic skill of the youthful hostess.  Other cards, displaying the national flag, were written the words, "Fourth of July," and from these letters each guest was to make as many words as possible in eight minutes. The successful contestants being Misses Anita Shelton and Norma Chatham had the privilege to fire the first "cracker." Then amid a volly of fire works the "team" burst forth with the yell: "Hippity-Hippity-Hippity-Huss."  What in the world is the matter with us?

     Nothing at all, nothing at all, For we're the girls that play basket ball " -

     And departed.




Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.