Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham

The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, February 11, 1904

Knocks Another In Head And Slashes
Girl's Throat

     There is a bad negro at large over on the west side of the Brazos river, probably in the vicinity of the Finks farm.
     His name is Bill Williams and he is and ex-convict, having but recently completed his term on one of the convict farms in this county.
     He sought employment with Dorris Griffeth and aged and hardworking negro who has resided near Chilton for several years but who is this year living on the Finks farm near the Brazos river.
     The Williams negro was given work by Dorris, but soon quit.  Coming back he demanded his pay.  Dorris told him he would pay him when he (Williams) had a gun fixed that he had damaged.  This enraged Williams and he picked up a club and struck Dorris on the side of the head, knocking him from his cultivator and rendering him unconscious.
     A daughter of Dorris started to the aid of her father and Williams turned on her with a knife.  He threw her down and inserted the knife in her neck under the ear and laid open a wound about three inches long.
     Complaints were filed against Williams in Judge Frazier's court Saturday and Constable Peebles went out to look for the bad negro.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.