Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number (Missing)
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, August 22, 1907
(Note: There are many missing words in the fold of the paper-lsc)

        Mrs. R. J. Jackson is visiting Colorado Springs, Colo.

       Mrs. C. B. Cox of Durango is (visit)ing Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cox.

       - L. Humphrey has returned (from) Orange after a visit to relatives (in t)he city.

       Mrs. J. V. Cobb and daughter, (Mrs.) G. G. Lenoir, are visiting
(rela)tives in Fort Worth.

       Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Elam have (re)turned to Denison after a visit (with) (r)elatives in the city.

       Anthony Xydias has re(turned) (to) Houston after visiting (in) the city and at Cego.

       Dabn(e)y White, traveler and (-------) is a visitor to Marlin.  Mr.
(White) says that he will stay (-----)until it rains.

       Hearings of Tom Howard, Robinson and Juan Carrilases (?) were continued till next (------) of the courts.

       Misses Cotton and Campbell of Arkansas are visitng Mesdames W. F. Fannin and O. E. Curry.

       Miss Eunice Hays left Wednesday afternoon for Tucumcara, N. M. to visit her sister, Mrs. T. J. Erskine.

       W. W. Hunnicutt has returned from Velasco where he has been for ten days giving instruction in Masonry.

       C.A. Berry has purchased the J. B. Jones residence north east of town, with four lots.  Consideration, $1400.

       Mrs. Mollie Bartlett, Charley Bartlett and Misses Bartlett and Battle returned Thursday night from the Jamestown exposition.

       Parties wanting to sell good farm property should not fail to see J. W. Hoke, the land man over Marlin National Bank.  List your property with him.

       S. L. Hooper, who holds a position as switchman in the T. & P. yards in Fort Worth, left Wednesday afternoon after a lay-off of four weeks in this city.

       Wanted:  Wood choppers, 2000 cords, four miles east of Marlin.  Will furnish tools and pay 75 cents per cord.  A. C. Bradshaw.

       Judge Dashiel had one plea of guilty entered before him Friday.  Joe Mason, who engaged in a lively fight with John Kennedy at Fannin's livery stable Thursday morning, plead guilty to an affray and was assessed a fine of $1 and trimmings.

       A.G.Morgan, formerly with the Owens Lumber company who had a yard in Marlin a few years ago, is here from Clarendon on a visit.  He is a periodical visitor to the hot well city and knows that this water is the best in the U. S.

       Capt. J. A. Martin is in the city from Austin.  He and family will move to Austin in a few days to make their home.  Capt. Martin has been a citizen of Marlin for 37 years and has been identified with every movement for the advancement of the community.  There will be many regrets that he and family are to leave this community.

       For Sale--Bottom farm of 100 acres, two miles from Marlin and a nice residence in Marlin.  All for $10,000.  See J. W. Hoke, the land man, over Marlin National bank.

       J. Reilly, of Refugio, the contractor for the city's dam now under construction north of town, is in the city for several days looking after the work being done at the lake.  He states that the dryness of the ground and the scarcity of labor have prevented the rapid progress which he had anticipated.  A good rain, he says, would help matters considerably.

       I have got in with a lot of horses and mules.  Among them are driving horses, match teams, large farm and brood mares, carriage horses, combination horses, and cowhorses.  All young and broken.  They are here for sale.  Cash or on time.  Also have 50 good mules. Come and see them before you buy.  Respectfully, I.N.Conyers.

       W. S. Clark returned Thursday night from Midland where he has been visiting his sons, Hunter and Frank.  Mr. Clark was well pleased with the country, but thinks that the land in Falls county is superior to that found near Midland.  Alfred Martin and Hunter Clark have recently bought out their only competitor in the abstract business, and are building up a splendid business.

       For Sale:  Good second hand iron roofing for sale at $1.00 per square.  Martin Oil Co.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas