Typed as spelled and written

Lena Stone Criswell




Eighteenth Year - Number 7

Marlin, Texas, Thursday,  April 11, 1907




    Prentice Oltorf has received his "sheepskin" from the legal examining board for the third supreme district and is now a full fledged disciple of Blackstone.  Judge Rice, chairman of the board, pays Prentice a deserving compliment on the high grade he made at the examination, his papers having graded up with others who attended eminent colleges, both literary and law, while the Marlin applicant gained his knowledge of the law by study.  The showing is indeed a good one and his friends are just-y (sic) proud of his high record.



    Judge O. C. Kirven of Corsicana has returned to Marlin for another week's stay.  The judge is delighted with the results of the baths here; says they put new life into a person and are, in fact, the best he ever saw and he has seen many water resorts.  The charges here, he declares, are the most reasonable and the treatment superior to any place he has visited.  He went over to Rosebud Sunday afternoon on a visit to his relatives, Messrs R. H. and J. W. Waters, but will return in a day or so to remain here several days.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing

by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.