Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham

The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, January 14, 1904


    A. O. Bowden at Rice Drug store will repair your watch, clocks and jewelry.

    Burgher McCullough of Mooreville was in the city Sunday.

    The county tax collector's office is the busiest place in the court house these days.

    District Clerk Taylor has move to the McKinney residence on Perry street.

    Mrs. Geo. Islieb and children of Rosebud are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Howard.

    W. W. Hunnicutt and Tom Connally went to Eddy Thursday on business.

    Marlin is not by herself in the matter of false fire alarms, Waco is in the same class, two in a night being no uncommon occurrence.

    Supt. J. J. Swann of the Orphan's at Coricana was here Friday greeting old friends.

    A large quality of gravel is being shipped from Marlin by L. E. Allen under contract to College Station where it will be used on the college grounds.

    R. Moser, who has been in Port Arthur two or three months has accepted a position with Nash, Robinson & Co., and returned to Marlin.

    Will Deikle of Mart has been arrested on a charge of killing a negro woman at that place the weapon used being a pocket knife.

    E. F. Kavanaugh for the last year manager for Hodges Dry Goods Co., at Orange is in the city.  The Orange Tribune states the Mr. Kavanaugh has resigned to embark in business for himself at Fort Worth.

    Mr. E. G. Bertrand of Missouri City is very ill at the Rice - Allen Infirmary.  A brother-in-law, Judge Tom Taylor of Gatesville and other relatives, are here with him.

    Constable Monroe Wilson of Rosebud writes the sheriff's office that a shooting occurred between two Mexicans at that place on Friday, one of them being shot.

    Dr. G. B. Harris of Bruceville was recently married to Mrs. Elizabeth Bishop of Nashville, Tennessee.  The doctor is very well known in Marlin.

    During the month of December reports of forty-five births and twenty deaths were filed in the office of the county clerk by Falls county physicians.

    Bryan city council has passed an anti-spitting ordinance that makes it unlawful for any person to spit upon the "side walks; cross-walks, the floors of churches, public halls, theaters or other public places" and fixes the penalty at not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars.

    Miss Rachel Franks has returned from a visit to Bryan.

    Read about Cheeves & Lithicum's 20 per cent discount sale in this issue.

    County Clerk W. C. Rogers announces in this issue as a candidate for re-election.

    District Clerk Ben Taylor announces in this issue for re-election.

    Mesdames Lockwood and Fulton of Rockdale are visiting Mrs. Mattie Quaid.

    E. E. Kyser of Rosebud was here Saturday and Sunday on a visit to W. D. Kyser and family.

    Dr. L. P. Robertson, dentist has moved his office to the second floor of the Donohoo building.                   46 2t
    The confederate flags on the King building are draped in mourning out of respect to the memory of General john B. Gordon.

    Tax Assessor D. J. Barnes has begun assessing taxes for 1904.  His assistants are as follows: Jno M. Kelly, E. W. Howard, T. J. Smith, W. D. Barclay, Alex Threadgill, C. E. Saxon and T. J. Pruett.

    The payment of poll taxes up to Saturday night to County Tax Collector Reeves numbered 1955.  Exclusive of estimated exemption this is about one third of the vote of 1902 as a basis.  Only 18 days remain yet in which to pay this tax and preserve the right to vote in the elections this year.

    L. L. Livingston of Chilton was here Thursday enroute from Coleman county where he went to attend the funeral of his nephew, William Livingston.  The young man was accidentally injured by being thrown from his horse and died in 48 hours from the injuries.  He was about 20 years old and a son of L. J. Livingston who formerly resided at Chilton.

    James Barton who has been at Lampasses for two years for the benefit of his health has returned to his old at McClanahan.  His health has improved very much.

    While adjusting the operating chair in his office Saturday afternoon Dr. B. G. Ward got the thumb of his right hand caught in the machinery of the chair in such a way as to sever the end at the root of the nail.

    City Marshal Coleman spent several days recently at Terrell on a visit to his son Monroe, mental farm of Eddie Green near Terrell and say it is an immense thing.  Monroe is doing well in his new home.

    Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Maffet of Lott were visitors to Marlin Sunday and Monday.

    Johnson & Kavanaugh re here for the purpose of buying all the mules they can get.  They will be here four days, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  January 13, 14, 15 and 16.

    Supt. J. J. Swann of the State Orphan's returned to Corsicana Tuesday afternoon having spent several days in the city taking the baths.  Mr. Swann reports everything moving along nicely at the and says the members of his large family are enjoying general health and happiness.

    Mr. Jones J. Fulton announces in this issue as a candidate for tax assessor of Falls county subject to the action of the democratic primary election.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.