Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham

The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, January 21, 1904


    Mrs. J. J. Swann of Corsicana is visiting Mrs. A. G. Minter.

    Mrs. Harry B. Martin of Galena, Ill., is visiting the family of Capt. J. A. Martin.

    A number of negro divorce cases were heard Saturday in district court and divorces granted.

    Mrs. John B. Hines of Wesson, Mississippi is visiting Mr. and Mrs.
F. B. Martin.

    F. M. Stallworth came down Saturday night from Maypearl.

    Placards are being posted all over town admonishing voters to "pay your poll tax."  Good advice.

    Don Spivey of Blevins has recently returned from his old in Wetumpka, Ala.

    Judge D. H. Boyles announces in this issue of the DEMOCRAT as a candidate for the office of county judge.

    For Sale -- Good milch cow with young calf.  See E. M. Eddins, office in K. of P. building.   257 2t

    Miss Verna Davison has returned to her in Reagan after a visit to Mrs. C. L. Fannin.

    None of the cases set down in district court were tried owing to the absence of witnesses.

    P. N. Dilworth of Blevins is being mentioned as a candidate for representative in the next legislature from Falls county.   1t

    Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Frost of Mineral Wells are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Johnson.  Mrs. Johnson is a sister of Mr. Frost.

    Memorial services will be held at the Methodist church Sunday Jan. 24 in memory of Gens. Gordon and Longstreet.

    T. O. Martin, cashier of the First National bank of Rosebud, was a Marlin visitor Friday.

    Manager Levy of the Arlington has returned from Waco where he attended the State Hotel Men's Association.

    There were 3130 chattel mortgagees filed in the county clerk's office from Jan. 1, 1903 to Jan. 1, 1904.  Since the latter date 146 have been filed.

    Ticket No. 285 in the premium award of the Marlin Business League was held by Clements Rudkowski and he gets the stove.  This completes the list of the premiums offered.

    During the year 1903 three hundred and ninety two marriage licenses were issued by the county clerk.  This is a falling off of 164 over 1902.

    Dr. J. C. Snead was here Friday on business.  He states that he and family will move to their ranch in San Saba county at an early day, where they will permanently reside.

    W. E. Hodges announces in this issue as a candidate for representative in the legislature from Falls county.

    A. H. Furguson of Lott has recently returned from Mexico and is arranging to move to that place in the near future.  He will locate about 120 miles west of Tampico.

    Tom L. McCullough, a Falls county product, is a candidate for county judge of McLennan county and many friends here who have confidence in his ability and integrity would be please to see him successful in his aspirations.

    Mr. Kelly a prominent businessman of Lockhart is visiting Marlin.
He and E. F. Smith of the Wills Fargo Ecpress Co., played marbles together somethig less thatn 40 years ago and of course were glad to meet again.

    W. B. Brazelton has gone to Marlin to spend some time there.  He has been in bad health for more than a month and his many friends in the city hope that he will be greatly benefited by the trip.  Times Herald.

    If Rev. Hicks intended his predictions for a blizzard to cover Marlin this week he has missed for once at least.  Snow was reported from Amarillo first of the week but no indication of it in Marlin.

    E. F. Kavanangh came in Tuesday from Gainsville where he and associates will in a short time open up a dry goods business.  Mr. Kavanaugh will leave in a few days for the east to purchase a stock of goods for the new house.

    Mrs. Jno. B. Hines left this morning for Marlin where she will spend several days with relatives.  From there she returns to her at Wesson, Miss.  Mrs. Hines has spent several weeks with relatives and friends in Bryan and all regret that her visit is at an end.  
                                                                 Bryan Pilot.

    Chesley Coleman left Sunday for New York where he will spend three weeks on business for the firm of Cheeves & Linthicum.

    E. M. Eddins, Esq. for twelve years with J. A. Martin, has opened a law office in the front room of the K. of P. building.  The firm having been dissolved.

    Some miscreant without either sentiment or principle entered the water closet at the H & T C passenger depot Tuesday and pulled up the flowers that Agent Herring was keeping there for protection.  People of this calibre would better be on the chain gang that society might not be tainted with their association.

    A number of Falls county people leave this week for Mexico where they will locate on cheap lands.  Among the number are: W. G. Tubb,
W. B. Dewalt, Rufe Marlin, John Tubb, and their families and A. P. Jones of Reagan and George Ogden of Otto.  They will locate about 80 miles from Tampico and will engage in farming and stock raising.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.