Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

(Missing) Year - Number  (Missing)
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, February 20, 1902

J. B. Jones, Jr., announces as a candidate for constable.
County Judge W. E. Hunnicutt announces as a candidate for
reelection to the office of County Judge in this issue.
Edgar Smith, agent for Mrs. Billingsley, is putting a stock of Falls
County lumber on the Sims cotton yard.
Prof. W. S. Sutton of the State University after an examination of the Marlin Public Schools makes a favorable recommendation on
the application for affilliation with the State University.  This
will place Marlin schools in a very favorable position, as her
graduates may then enter the State University with a better
prestage than before and it will also help our schools
in an advertising way.
A team of mules belonging to a colored man ran away Wednesday
afternoon.  The course of the frightened animals was from
Nash, Robinson & Co's lumber yard down the railroad and
around to the southwest corner of Sims' cotton yward where they
hung up on a telegraph pole.  The only actual damages was a
broken wagon tongue.  Exemplary damages unknown.
MIss Alice Weeks of Ardmore, I. T., formerly residing in Marlin,
is in the city and will remain sometime.
W. H. Woodland has been appointed postmaster at Harlanville vice W H. Mitchell resigned.  The post office has been moved to the store of
Chas. Woodland.
John R. Southwell of Lott, candidate for sheriff was in the city
Mr. S. H. Tucker of Lott, was in the city Friday.  Mr. Tucker
has recently resigned as constable of the Lott precinct and will
push his candidacy for sheriff.
The I. & G. N. now carries mail from Waco to Bryan and all intermediate points, the service having been established Monday.
While coming down the hill at the Deer Creek bridge Wednesday
evening the team driven by a colored man ran off the embankment into the bed of the creek twenty fee below.  The driver jumped in time
to save a fall.  Strange to say, the only damage done was the
breaking of the wagon tongue.
Theo. D. Peebles announces as a candidate for constable.
Sam H. Anderson announces as a candidate for constable.
Frank Oakes of Perry was in town Monday to dispose of some three
hundred bales of cotton that he has been holding.  Mr. Oakes
stated that they will plant 1200 acres less of cotton this
year than they did last year.
It was a very pleasant party, that was given by Miss Ethel
Barton Friday night complimentary to a few of her friends, at
the of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Barton.  The entertainment
of the evening consisted of telling the fortunes of those present
by an invisible fortune teller music and an elaborate dining.  Those
present were Misses Mary Bart, Lucy DeBardeleben, Ida DeBardeleben, Messrs L. J. Davis, J. H. Rogers, J. F. Houchins and Malone.



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas