The Marlin Democrat

Marlin, Texas, Thursday, February 25, 1904


Fresh garden seed at Silverman's.

The Orphans Restaurant is the right place.

A O Bowdon. at Rice's Drug store will repair your watche, clocks and jewelry.

Crickett Robison of the Kosse Cyclone was doing Marlin Monday afternoon.

We are headquarters for seed corn, seed oats, millet and sorghurn seed.    Nash, Robinson & Co.

James E. Hackett, who is attending the State University at Austin was in the city Monday.

Silverman has fresh garden seed in bulk. Sold under a guarantee.

Mrs. T. A. Cheeves and Mrs. Frank Rogers left Friday for Anderson to visit relatives.

To hungry men, women and children: "Don't forget the Orphans."

A permit to wed has been granted to J. W. Sowders and Mrs. Lena Gillespie.

Have you inspected to large stock of plow gear and implements, carried by Nash, Robinson &Co.

Burrel A. Ragland of Gilmer is in Marlin on a short visit. He is a well known newspaper man and east Texas politician.

Dr. L P. Robertson, dentist has moved his office to the second floor of the Donohoo building. 46 2t

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Jolly will move to Houston soon where Mr. Jolly will engage in the abstract business.

Money to loan on approved real estate security and vendor's lien notes. E M EDDINS,
48 4t Marlin, Texas.

Permits to wed: Monroe Salter, Lena James; J. R. Sowders, Mrs. Lena GillespIe.

Another season, and we are before you with the best farm seeds to be purchased. Nash, Robinson and Co. .50 3t

Hon A. M. Blackmon, of Groesbeeck, a prospective candidate for flotorial representative from this district is in the city.

The best riding planter on the market today is the "Mr. Bill".
Have you inspected same? At Nash, Robinson & Co.

Bishop George H. Kinsolving, of the Diocese of Texas, will visit Marlin on next Sunday and preach at the K. of P. hall at 3 o'clook in the afternoon.

Just received shipment fresh garden seed in bulk from Lawrence, Kansas. These seed are sold under a GUARANTEE to be satisfactory. Try them.

The board of examiners of the city finances have completed their report and filed same with city secretary for submission to the council at its next meeting.

The most satisfactory walking and riding planters, cultivators and farming implements are handled by Nash, Robinson & Co.

Mesdames C. M. Campbell and R. R. White of Temple, and Miss Sallie Thatcher of Belton form a Bell county party at the ArJington for several days.

Miss Barthold who was the guest of Miss Battle for several weeks, has returned to her in Weatherford.

FOR RENT-Five well improved farms near Reagan. 155 acres, 140 acres, 130 acres, 100 acres, 42 acres. Apply to the undersigned at Reagan, Texas. 9tf     T. G. FOUNTAIN.
The case of John Grensowiszc vs Fritz Kurtz, on appeal from this county has been dismissed by the court of civil appeals for want of presecution.

O. H. Reed of the H & T C and F. J. Mathews of the I & G N were in the city Thursday afternoon and this morning on business for their respective roads.

W. W. Hunnicutt, P. N. Dilworth, J. M. Hearne and H. T.  Rogers of this county are serving on the federal grand jury at Waco this week. B. C. Curry is serving on the petit jury in the same court.

Judge Scott has appointed W. M Gunnell, John M. Jolly and G. L. Williamson as jury commissioners and they are now at work drawing the grand and petit jurors for the next term of the district court.

Dr. W. A Knight, state veterinary surgeron, is here from Houston, at the request of Judge Hunnicutt, to make further investigation of diseased horses and mules in this vicinity. Dr. Knight is examining a number of animals but will not be ready to give out a definite report for a day or two yet.

B. E. Clark, foreman of the grand jury reports a splendid season in the ground in the Blevins country and small grain doing well. Gus & Tomlinson, J. B. Headerson and other members of the body report similar favorable conditions in their respective communities. Altogether, the outlook is as good as anyone could wish just now.

W. O. Christopher. who resided in Marlin from 1865 to 1888, and who is now spending a while in the city, states that he is writing a book of reminiscences on Marlin - which he will have published at some future tIme when he is at a safe distance from some of those whose names will appear in the book.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas