The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, March 3, 1904


The Orphans Restaurant is the right place.

There are now eleven boarders in the county jail.

A. O. Bowdon at Rice's Drug store will repair your watche , clocks and jewelry.

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fannin have returned from a week's visit to Reagan.

We are headquarters for seed, corn, seed oats, millet and sorghum seed. Nash, Robinson & Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLendon and Judge Eugene Williams of Waco were visitors in Marlin Sunday.

Silverman has fresh garden seed in bulk. Sold under a guarantee.

Mr. aud Mrs. B. C. Curry and Mrs; C. T. Curry returned today from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Herring at Mt. Calm.

To hungry men, women and children: "Don't forget the Orphans."

The number of visitors in the city is probably greater than at this time any previous year for several, at least.

If troubled with weak digestion belching or sour stomach, use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will get quick relief. For sale by Rice Drug Co.

Sheriff Greer went to Hillsboro Thursday afternoon after Enos Satchell, a negro indicted by the late grand jury ion a charge of assault to murder.

Have you inspected to large; stock of plow gear and implements,
carried by Nash, Robinson & Co.

Messrs and Mesdames C. T. and B. C. Curry went to Mount Calm Thursday afternoon on a short visit to Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Herring.

The best riding planter on the market today is the "Mr. Bill". Have you inspected same? At Nash, Robinson & Co.

A motion bas been submitted to the supreme court for permission to make additional pleadings in the insurance case of M. Stenson,
appealed from this county.

FOR SALE-Registered Duroc Jersey Hogs. Also one fine Durham Bull, 3 years old. Address
MOOREVILLE STOCK FARM. 49 26t Mooreville, Texas.

An additional tier of metal shelving has been ordered for the county clerk's office. This improvement has long been needed, as tbe necessary accumulation of records bas far exceeded the present shelf capacity.

South Bosque oil prospecting is being closely watched by a number of Marlin people. Should that field develop into a paying proposjtion it will doubtless result in some tangible efforts at Marlin.

The most satisfactory walking and riding planters. cultivators and farming implements are handled by Nash, Robinson & Co.

Lee Blanchette who has been in the city several days left today for San Antonio. Mr. Blanchette states that he is delighted with the climate in this part of the state and that he will return again in a few weeks.

Mrs. B. W. Smith of Roby, Fisher county, who has been lookrng after her farm west of the river for several months is spending a few days in Marlin with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Thomas.

A. M. Blackmon, Esq., of Groesbeeck announces rn this issue as a candidate for flotorial representative from this district composed of the counties of Limestone, Falls and McLennan.

The Terrell asylum could not admit John T. Spivey and as neither of the others could take him, he was left in the Kaufman county jail for a few days when it is expected that he can be admitted at Terrell.

The "Thursday Whist Club" is a new institution in local clubdom. The last meeting was held at the Maybell and an interesting game of eight boards was played. rhe next meeting will be held with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Allen on next Thursday night.

When you come to town drop in on the Orphans and get something good to eat. You won't feel like an Orphan after you have eaten at their place. 49tf

The matter of placing the stock of the new opera house company is progressing quite well now. There is yet some two or three thousand to be disposed of, but the projectors have reason to believe that this will be done within the next few days. It will be built by a stock company duly chartered under the laws of the state.

Mr. P. L. Brady and Miss M. B. Lankford of Beaumont were united in marriage Sunday evening at seven o'clock at the residence of Rev. M. T. Andrews, who officiated. The two are visiting here from the oil city and while here concluded to get married, which they did after securing the neccessary paper  from County Clerk Rogers.

Dr. W. A. Knight, state veterinary surgeon departed on a hurry call for Ft. Worth without expressing a definite opinion as to whether the disease under investigation here was anthrax. He stated, however, that he would  probably stop off in Marlin again on his return trip from Fort Worth.

Frank M. Stallworth, Jr., announces in this issue as a candidate for county clerk, subject to the action of the democratIc primary.

Another season, and we are before you with the best farm seeds to be purchased. Nash, Robinson and Co. 50 3t

George A. Bletch announces in this issue of the DEMOCRAT as a candidate for commissioner precinct No.1, subject to the democratic primary.

Mr. F. J. Sample of the Beaumont Journal force has returned to that city after a three weeks stay in Marlin. He is highly pleased with Marlin as a place for rest and recreation.

The famous Oklahoma ranch 101 White Wonder and Golden Beauty seed corn, sold by Nash, Robinson & Co.

The supreme court has set aside the verdict rendered by, it on February 3 in the case of the city of Marlin vs Andrew Ureen, in which the judgment of the lower court was reversed, and will hear additional argument on the issues involved in the case.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.