The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, March 10, 1904



The Orphans Restaurant is the right place.

New Sorghum seed. Allen- Curry Lumber Co. 2 4t

A. O. Bowdon at Rice's Drug store will repair your watche, clocks and jewelry.

We are headquarters for seed corn, seed oats, millet and sorghumseed.  Nash, Robinson & Co.

The men's union prayer meeting every Sunday afternoon will convene for the next there months at the Live Oak Street Baptist church.

Silverman has fresh garden seed III bulk. Sold under a guarantee.

Sixteen cars of cattle were shipped out of Marlin Friday for St. Louis. The shipment belonged to different parties here.

If troubled with weak digestion belching or sour stomach, use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will get quick relief. For sale by Rice Drug Co.

Call on Allen-Curry Lumber Company for Sorghum seed, Kafir Corn, Milo Maize and Field Peas.

J. B Gillespie of Ozona has purchased the Arlington bar and has taken charge with Louis Helmcamp as manager.

Have you inspected to large stock of plow gear and implements, carried by Nash, Robinson & Co.

Cam L. Fannin has reconsidered his resignation as manager of the Bethesda bath house and will remain in that capacity.

Best Remedy For Constipation. "The finest remedy for constipation ever used is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets 'Says Mr. Eli Butler, of Frankville, N Y. They act gently and without any unpleasant effect, and leave the bowel in a perfectly natural condition" Sold by Rice Drug Co.

W. W. Hunnicutt left Monday afternoon for San Louis Potosi to do some surveying for the Falls county colony located at El Abra, that state.

W. L. Beckham, proprietor of a leading hotel at Greenville is in the city for a few days.

Permits to wed. F. B. Farris, S. A. Howell; John Kaylor, Belle Murphy; Richard Kunter, B. Johnson.

Charles P. Carlton announces in this issue as a candidate for sheriff of Falls county subject to the democratic primary.

Hon. Geo. C. Peadleton and L. F. Cowan Of Temple are in the city.

Mrs. H. c. Highsmith has returned to her in San Marcos after a visit to Mrs. F. S. Chambers.

Editor J. G. Leuders of that excellent German paper, the Waco Post, was in the city on business Tuesday and paid the DEMOCRAT a fraternal visit.

W. T. and C. L. Fannin went to Waco Tuesday afternoon to purchase furniture for the Fannin house which they will open as soon as the furniture can be put in.

Mrs. F. P. Nettles has presented the fire department a check for $10 for services recognized for which the department desires to express their acknowledgment and appreciation.

Paul McCombs, wife and child came in from Dallas yesterday afternoon. Mr. McCombs is proprietor of the Rickelman farm west of town, which he is improving.

Mesdames T. T. Robison and A. R. Jones of Kosse came over Monday afternoon on a Visit to Mrs. W. M. McKewen.

S. G. Boyles of Cameron was here Monday on a visit to his father and mother Judge and Mrs. D. H. Boyles.

The new children's railway ticket rate is now in effect. The rate is one and a half cents per mile for children between the ages of 5 and 12 years. The old rate was two cents per mile for ages from 5 to 10. 

The most satisfactory walking and riding planters, cultivators,
and farming Implements are handIed by Nash, Robinson & Co.

County Judge Kimbell has issued a proclamation and same has been duly posted in Kosse calling for an election to be held Monday, March 22, to determine whether or not the incorporation known as the town of Kosse should be abolished or continued.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.