The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, March 17, 1904


The Orphans Restaurant is the right place.

Mrs. J. G. Oltorf of Waco is visiting relatives in the city.

New Sorghum seed. Allen- Curry Lumber Co.  2 4t

Mrs. W. E. Bradford of Taylor is visiting homefolks.

A. O. Bowdon at Rice's Drug store will repair your watche, clocks and jewelry.

Judge B. H. Rice went to Dallas on business Tuesday afternoon.

We are headquarters for seed corn, seed oats, millet and sorghum seed. Nash, Robinson & Co.

Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Nathan have returned from a visit to Temple.

Silverman has fresh garden seed In bulk. Sold under a guarantee.

Permits to wed: Wesley Seigler, Addie McMillan; Bill Williams, Mary Dorsey.

If troubled with weak digestion belching or sour stomach use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will get quick relief. For sale by Rice Drug Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Singer of Houston are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones.

Call on Allen-Curry Lumber Company for Sorghum seed, Kafir Corn, Milo Maize and Field Peas.

Henry Grady Rush of Maypearle was here Sunday mingling with friends.

Have you inspected to large stock of plow gear and implements, carried by Nash, Robinson & Co.

County Attorney George Carter who has been ill for three or four weeks was able to be down town Tuesday.

To hungry men, women and children: "Don't forget the Orphans,"

Mrs. Lucy Dickenson of Waco is visiting friends and relatives in the city and is a guest of Mrs. I. Conoly.

Dr. L. P. Robertson. dentist has moved his office to the second floor of the Donohoo building. 46 2t
The art school entertainment that was announced for this week has been postponed until March 29, 30 and 31.

Geo. E. Sanders has returned from a business trip to Huntsville.

Another season, and we are before you with the best farm seeds to be purchased. Nash, Robinson and Co. 50 3t

Mr. and Mrs. E. Robinson have decided to return to their old in central Alabama, where they will reside in the future.

Constable T. D. Peebles announces in this issue as a candidate for reelection as constable of precinct No. 1 subject to the action of the democratic primary.

A. A. Finley announces in this issue of the DEMOCRAT as a candidate for constable precinct No. 1. subject to the action of the democratic primary election.

The best riding planter on the market today is the "Mr. Bill". Have you inspected same? At Nash, Robinson & Co.

When you come to town drop in on the Orphans and get something good to eat. You won't feel like an Orphan after you have eaten at their place. 49 tf

Mrs. W. S. Banks has appointed the following committees for the forthcoming federation meeting in Marlin in April: On program -Mesdames Huling P. Robertson of Temple, William Christian of Houston, M. W. Sims of Bryan. On credentials - Mesdames Bolivar Nettles, Fannie Chambers, W. H. AIlen, Marlin.

Will Jefferson a negro preacher wanted in this county for having more wives than the law allows, has been arrested and is in jail at Bryan.

Hon. Thos. P. Stone, of Waco, in the city meeting the people. Mr. Stone is a candidate for State Senator from this district and, so far has no opposition.

Hon Thos. P. Stone of Waco, announces in this issue as a candidate for state senator from this, the 11th district, composed of the counties of McLennan, Falls, and Milam.

The Arlington hotel is just now caring for the largest number of guests at anyone time within its history with exception of the teachers meeting in the winter. Other hotels of the city are also experiencing a good

The jury in the Kiersey -Strother case brought in a verdict for Jennie Strother, according her the yearling and adjudging the costs, amounting to about $70.00, against Kiersey.

The furniture formerly used in the Fannin Hotel was sold today at sheriff's sale for $810.00 the purchaser being J. S. Shivers
who held a mortgage against it. There were several buyers present.

A solid car load of eggs was hauled through Marlin Tuesday on the I & G N passenger train. The car of eggs were shipped from Waco and was consigned to a large commission firm in an eastern city.

J. T. Harrison of Waco, who is working under Dr. Knapp, in the farm demonstrating department, was in the City today. He reports good progress with this work at the several stations under his supervision.

R. Catuna, a prominent railroad man from Dallas, is among the number who are getting the! benefits of the Marlin baths. His health is improving rapidly since coming to Marlin.

Mrs. L. D. Hailey left Friday for Beaumont to visit her daughter, Mrs. E. R. Little. 

Ike Lyon, an old time Marlinite, now in Waco, says Marlin water is the real thing. He has been here a short time but says he has received great benefit already.

Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Green have returned from the Indian Territory where Mr. Green went to see brother George W. Green. The attorneys for Geo. W. have secured a change of venue and the trial has been set down for next October.

Capt. S. E. Allen, of the regular army completed an inspection of B. C. Clark Light Guards Tuesday night. Twenty of the boys were marked absent with leave and seven without leave. The report of the inspection will be forwarded to the department and given out from there in the inspector's reports.

The contract for construction of the pest house was let Thursday to Nash, Robinson & Co. The building will contain two rooms and a hall, the rooms being 14x14, all papered within. The cost will be about $225.00.

The horse purchased by the company of Marlin citizens, formed for that purpose is the admiration of all lovers of horse flesh who have seen him. He is from the famous Blue Grass section of Kentucky, stands 16 hands 1 inch high and tips the scales at 1225 lbs.

Hon. Ueo. C. Pendleton of Temple has returned to the city after having gone to vote in the municipal primary. Hon. Fred. P. Hamill was nominated for mayor of Temple over Dr. J. R. Rucker and two other opponents.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.