The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, March 31, 1904


New Sorghum seed. Allen - Curry Lumber Co. 2 4t

A. O. Bowdon. at Rice's Drug store will repair your watche, clocks and jewelry.

Silverman has fresh garden seed III bulk. Sold under a guarantee.

Mrs. Lewellyn has returned from a visit to her son at Conroe.

Mrs. J. J. Swann has returned to Corsican after a visit to folks.

Call on Allen-Curry Lumber Company for Sorghum seed, Kafir Corn, Milo Maize and Field Peas.

Mrs. E. F. Kavanauh of Gainsville is visiting her mother Mrs. J. A. Kiegwin.

Dr. L. P. Robertson dentist has moved his office to the second floor of the Donohoo building. 46 2t

Mrs. F. P. Nettles and B. C. Nettles went to Mexia Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs. D. M. Prendergast.

It Saved His Leg.
P. A. Danforth of LaGrange, Ga., suffered for six months with a frightful running Bore on his leg; but writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it five days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, it's the best salve in the world. Cured guaranteed. Only 250. Sold by Rice Drug Co.

Mr. John W. Roark and Miss Bulah Parsons were united in marriage at the residence of the bride east of town Sunday night.

Allen-Curry Lumber Company have just received a carload of new sorghum seed. CaIl on them when in need of seed.

Dr. Fred Murphy of Brinkley, Ark., is visiting his father Capt. W. B. Murphy.

Miss Cyrene Whitaker accompanied her uncle Mr. J. W. Vallandingham to his in Kentucky and will remain several weeks on a visit.

Messrs. H. P. Stockton of East, Bernard, S. P. Stockton of Llano and Miss Lola Stockton of Waco are among the visitors. They are stopping at the Fannin.

A Favorite Remedy For Babies
Its pleasant taste and prompt cures have made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a favorite with the mothers of small children. It quickly cures their coughs and colds and prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequences. It not only cures croup but when given as soon as the croupy cough appears will prevent the attack. For sale by Rice Drug Co.

Thomas L. Page has been appointed rural carrier at Eddy with John McNair as substitute. The service on this route opens April 15.

O. H. Reed, traveling freight agent, with headquarters at Calvert, has been transferred to the Austin division and the position he held in this district has been abolished. 

The Houston & Texas Central will sell round trip tickets to Austin on April 20; for 11:35 p. m. train on April 25 and for 1t32 p. m. train on April 26, limit May 1, account State Medical Association for $3.55 the round trip. Also round trip tickets Houston for 11:35 train April 24 and for all trains April 25 and 1:32 p. m. train April 26. limit April 30, account meeting Grand K. of P. Lodge, for $5.20 the round trip.

More Riots Disturbances of strikers are not nearly as grave as an individual disorder of the system. Overworked, loss, of sleep, nervous tension will be followed by utter collapse unless a reliable remedy immediately employed. There's nothing so efficient to cure disorders of the liver or kidneys as Electric Bitters. It's wonderful tonic, and effective nervine and the greatest all around medicine for run down systems. It dispels Nervousness, Rheumatism and Neuralgia and expels Malaria germs. Only 500, and satisfaction guaranteed by Rice Drug Co.

The court of civil appeals for this district has refused a new hearing in the case of V. A. Floyd vs. Will D. Watkins, appealed from this county.

R. W. Johnson of Eddy was here Monday on business. Mr. Johnson reports a good rain throughout that section and as a result crops are doing well.

Judge Alex Frazier has fixed the bonds in the cases of Jeff and Chatman Parmer and Matt Slater arrested for complicity in the fight at Savas Xydias store Saturday afternoon at $1000 each. An effort was made Monday afternoon to make the bond of Chatman Parmer.

Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured
William Shaffer, a brakeman of Denison Ohio, was confined to his bed for several weeks with inflammatory rheumatism. "I used many remedies," he says. "Finally I sent to McCaw's drug store for a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, at which time I was unable to use hand or foot, and in one week's time was able to go to work as happy as a clam." For sale by Rice Drug Co.

A good one comes from Waco. During the hail storm at that place the other evening some darkies were out in the street in front of the Metropole picking up the hail stones, some of which were unusually large. A white man, seeing an opportunity for little fun, secured some lumps of ice weighing several pounds each and going up stairs tossed them out of the window among the darkies. This was too much for them and they lost no time in getting to cover.

It is a dull day in the police court now that does not show from two to four complaints for affrays, assaults. disturbing the peace, etc. The radius of the scene of most of these difficulties appears to lay close to the crossing of Live Oak with Island and winter streets. This sudden awakening of the risibilities would indicate that the signs of the Zodiac are resting over Mars, the god of war or possibly it is only the usual consignment of spring fights.

Austin, Texas, March 24.-A deputy sheriff of McLennan county while conveying a lunatic from the depot to the asylum this morning was assaulted and frightfully beaten up.

The officers of the Public Library are arranging to formally open the library in a few days, having secured the use of the K. of P. parlors for that purpose. Several valuable volumes have been added recently and the members hope to have many more before the year is out.

LOST - REWARD - One bay mare 14 or 15 hands high, long wire cut across back near where hind tray of saddle rests, wire cut on left hind foot, left hind foot white. Wire cut on left hip, right ear split at tip. A reward of $5 will be paid for delivery to Josh Richards or H. G. Carter, Marlin, Texas. 44t

The display of Easter millinery in Marlin this season is declared by many to surpass anything shown here in recent years. Certain it is that the styles are "the latest" and correct ones. Dame Fashion, whose sovereignty is world wide, holds absolute sway in things millinery and the result is many new shades, styles and shapes Among the popular shapes are the tricorne, Johanna, "lady baby" and the short back. Is small tailored hats the Christi is very popular this season. The variety and trimmings are elaborate and distinct. The "openings" of Curtis & Co., and Cheeves & Linthicum, coming on the same days, brought out a very large number of ladies who fairly revelled in the endless realm of fashion.

Mile boards have recently been erected on all the public roads leading to or from Marlin. These sign boards are the property of Falls county and any mutilation or defacement of same will constitute malicious mischief, which is punishable by fine. The distances were measured by Supt. Poole and erected under his supervision. They should prove of convenience to the public and if unmolested will remain for years, as they are of the best material.

R. W. Johnson of Eddy was here Monday on business.

Mr. Johnson reports a good rain throughout that section and as a result crops are doing well.

Messrs Falconer and Slater have not been very successful in securing a good stand of Irish potatoes on the Falconer farm in the bottom, owing to the dry weather at and after the planting.

Every body who has promised anything for the Bazaar please send it Wednesday afternoon to the Mrs. M. C. Robinson building on Live Oak street.

The Junior Westminster League will have an egg hunt Friday afternoon at 4 :30 o'clock, at Mrs. T. E. Battle's residence. All children of the town invited. Bring ten cents.

Considerable frost in low places Sunday night. It is feared that young cotton has been materially damaged in some localities.

Cards have been issued announcing the marriage of Miss Kathryne Lucile Dupree to Mr. Arch Grinnan at the residence of the bride's parents Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Dupree in Marlin on the evening of April 6.

Throughout Falls county on next Saturday the patrons of the common school districts will elect one trustee for the next term.
There are sixty-one of these districts in the county. The trustee elections in the independent districts will be held on the first Saturday in May.

With reference to contageous and infectious diseases section 12 of the public school regulations reads as follows: No pupil known to be affected by a contageous or infectious disease, or coming from a family where such disease prevails, shall be received or continued in the schools.

A number of visitors report hunting and fishing very good around Marlin. A party went out to the lake early Wednesday morning and killed seven ducks and nine large frogs. Also caught a fine string of fish, the largest of which, a bass, weight six and a quarter pounds.

Savas Xydias who was stabbed Saturday is getting along very well now. His physicians hope the danger period will be over soon. 

Ed. F. Middleton in the city from Mooreville; He has recently returned from Seattle, Washington, where he has been since last fall, he and Theodore Baker having gone there from the gold fields at Nome.

Mrs. L. C. Rigby of Waco. who has been visiting in the city for a week or ten days has returned home.

Mr. James Mullins came in Tuesday to see his wife, who is visiting her mother Mrs. S. K. Bartlett.

F. E. Hailey is among that are "laid up" with la grippe.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.