The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, April 7, 1904


See A. O. Bowdon for full line of spectacles, at Rice Drug Co.

Meeting of Business League tonight. Come out.

Wilbur Webb of El Campo is among the visitors.

H. F. Owsley of New Orleans is in the city on business.

It is especially important for you to attend meeting of Business League tonight.

Do you want to build up Marlin. Come out to the League meeting tonight.

The Ladies Social club will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Walter Gardner.

A. O.  Bowdon. at Rice's Drug store will repair your watche, clocks and jewelry.

Hon. Geo. W. Tyler of Belton and Dr. B. B. Wallace of Waco arrived on the 1:32 train today.

Judge W. E. Rogers has returned from a business trip to Fairfield.

W. M. Gunnell is able to be at his store again after several days illness.

Mr. D. M. Hodges is in St. Louis on business for the Hodges stores.

Mrs. J. D. Dotterer of Mart is visiting Mrs. T. E. Battle this week.

S. M. Steen has returned from a visit to bis old in Nacogdoches.

Spencer Holloway has accepted a position with Renfro & Martin as a dispenser of cold drinks.

Dr. L. P. Robertson, dentist has moved his office to the second floor of the Donohoo building.   46 2t

Mrs. Cline of LaGrange and Mrs. Miller Moore of Waco are visiting Marlin, guests at Mrs. A. G. Minter's.
Misses Nellie Tabor and Mary Robinson and Will Robinson of Bryan came up Monday on a visit to Mrs. J. W. Robinson.

Mrs. E. O. Tennysoll and Miss A. Tennyson of Dallas are among the Marlin visitors, guests at the Arlington.

Judge Frazier has received information of the death of his sister, Mrs. Irwin, who died March 23 at Clayville, Pennsylvania.

C. O. McComb is here from Port Arthur for a few days. Charley is with the construction department of a large oil refining company.

Dr. Whatley of Goliad is among the visitors to Marlin. The Doctor formerly practiced medicine in this county moving away about thirteen years ago.

This section of the state was visited by a generous rain Friday night which gives crops another fresh impetus. The outlook just now is considered exceedingly good indeed.

Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Cooper of Coleman are guests at the Fannin for two months. Mr. Cooper resided in Marlin a short time a few years ago, being engaged in the cotton business.

FOR SALE - Registered Duroc Jersey Hogs. Also one fine Durham Bull, 3 years old. Address
MOOREVILLE STOCK FARM.   49 26t   Mooreville, Texas.

There are on the confederate pension rolls at Austin, sixty-five pensioners from Falls county. Each of these receive a quarterly pension of $9.50, making the total for Falls county $637.50.

John Bellinger of Houston came up to spend Easter Sunday with his father. John has recently received another promotion in the Wells Fargo General offices.

LOST - Chatelaine bag containing address book, three rings, a watch and some money. Finder please return to Arlington hotel and receive reward. 2t.

Dr. J. C. Snead of Rosebud was in the city Monday on business. The doctor abandoned the idea of moving to San Saba county some time since, and remains a citizen of Falls county.

Rev. B. H. Carroll, Jr., representing the Mission work of the Texas Baptist convention visited Marlin Sunday and spoke at night at the First Baptist church.

From inquiries directed among farmers of the county, the information is obtained that very little damage was done by the late frost. The damage was slight in the low places but beyond that, there was none to speak of.

The Ladies Aid Society of the Live Oak Street Baptist church will serve lunch all day tomorrow at their bazaar in the building formerly occupied by Mrs. M. C. Robinson. Drop in and get something nice.

Jim Myers has recently purchased a car load of the finest beef steers to be found in Fort Worth the average weight being 900 pounds. He is slaughtering these animals. as his trade requires, and those who purchase this meat can rest assured they are getting the best in Marlin.

At the meeting of the commissioners court Friday the blank poll tax receipts unused by the tax collector were burned as required under the Terrell election law. This was the principal reason of this meeting of the court, the additional business being to arrange official ballots for the city elections of Marlin and Lott.

Mr. E. A. Tomlinson is still confined to his room with a severe case of rheumatism. The Clarion hopes that he may soon regain his accustomed health. - Lott Clarion.
Send "EI" over to Marlin. All he needs is a course of about twenty-one Marlin hot baths.

Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Gillespie of Waco are among the visitors here for the hot bath.

Messrs. M. H. Bone and D. W. Shanks of Dallas arrived Sunday on a visit for the baths. After taking a course each, Messrs F. Flesh and H. Muscle will return with Bone and Shanks.

It would be a great benefit to our town if our local contractors and builders can get the contract for the building of our $12,000 school building - Lott Clarion.

Monroe Coleman came over from Terrell Monday night on a short visit.

The Bryan Eagle says Messrs W. T. and C. L. Fannin are again in charge of the well known and popular Fannin House of Marlin. The hotel is located within one and a half blocks of the hotel and bath houses, and has been re-opened after being refurnished from floor to ceiling.  The Fannins are first class hotel managers and are in a position to guarantee excellent service.

A dance was given at the Arlington last night complimentary to the visiting young ladies. The event was one of much pleasure to those who were present.

T. G. Peters of Lott was here today. Mr. Peters reports the death of a Mr. Duke who lived near Lott, death having been caused from injuries received in a runaway several days since. Duke was returning from Mooreville with a load of cotton seed when his horses became frightened and ran away, throwing him out. He leaves a wife and several children. 

Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Townsend arrived Monday on a short visit to Mr. Townsend's sister, Mrs. A. G. Minter. Mr. Townsend was married Monday in Waco to Mrs. Easton and stopped off here enroute to his in Tyler county where he resides.

LOST - REWARD - One bay mare 14 or 15 hands high, long wire cut across back near where hind tray of saddle rests, wire cut on left hind foot, left hind foot white, wire cut on left hip, right ear split at tip. A reward of $5 will be paid for delivery to Josh Richards or H. G. Carter, Marlin, Texas 44t

W. G. Tubb and family have returned from Mexico where they went several weeks ago with the intention of residing. Conditions down there were not found to be as they expected them and becoming dissatisfied they decided to return, arriving at Reagan Thursday. They were located at EI Abra in San Louis Potosi.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.