The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 8
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, April 21, 1904


J. B. Laski, secretary of the Marlin Ice house will take a few weeks vacation, his place being filled in the meantime by J. R. Taylor.

President L. E. Allen of the business league made an inspection trip to the lower Brazos bottom Friday. He finds crops not in the best condition down there, owing in part to the condition of the land and part to the damage done by the frost.

Miss Jessie Hughes of Marlin is now head milliner in a large dry goods house at Ada,  I. T.

Frank Oltorf has been appointed Deputy District Clerk by Clerk Taylor.

I have charge of the Capt. J. A. Martin pasture north-west of town.  Good pasturage including, plenty of water.  Also service of male when desired.   R. C. Williamson

Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Bass, of Beaumont, are among the visitors.

Homer Chatman, a negro youth, was arrested and placed in jail in a charge of theft of $15.00.

L. B. McCullough, Deputy United States Clerk at Waco, spent Sunday in the city.

A. B. Hodges has returned from a three weeks business trip to St. Louis.

Miss Hinda Gaines of Galveston, who arrived April 1st., on a visit to Mrs. A. G. Minter, having been ill since her arrival, is able to be up again.

Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Guerringer and son of Dallas came in Wednesday for a visit to Marlin.  They are guests at the Fannin.

Editor Wilson of Lockhart is on his biennial visit to Marlin.  He publishes one of the most attractive weekly papers in Texas.

H. C. McMicheal of Buffalo is visiting his mother in Marlin.  He is accompanied by his two sons.

E. P. Hawkins, O. B. Sims and T. H. Edwards of Waxahachie came in Sunday for a week's visit to Marlin.  They are at the Fannin.

J. B. Gibbs of Kosse, T. H. Garrett of Cort and J. B. Taylor of Bremond were in the city Friday on a business transaction in which they are interested.

Mr. E. P. Turner, general Passenger Agent of the Texas & Pacific railway, accompanied his wife to Marlin.  Mr. Turner and his road are general favorites with Texas Club Women.

Mrs. J. B. Price of Bastrop who formerly was Miss Thompson, a teacher in the Marlin Public schools, remains over after the club meeting for a visit with friends.

B. F. Kitchen, night operator for the H. & T. C., at Bremond, Texas, left Tuesday for Birmingham, Ala., to engage in business.  Mr. Kitchen had been with the H. & T. C., for about three years, having worked at Marlin several months.

Mr. Beasley, the gentleman from Chilicothe who was detained in the small pox pest camp for several days has been released.  His case was quite a bad one.


Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.