Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Thirteenth Year - Number  9
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, May 1, 1902

       Miss Libbie Smith of Reagan, was visiting in the city Saturday.

       Judge S. R. Scott of Waco, was in the city Saturday on business.

       Mrs. Rhoda Parnell of Waco, visited relatives in the city Saturday.

       Mrs. C. T. Hunter and daughter returned from San Antonio Sunday.

       The change in the H. & T. C. time table will take place about Sunday.

       J. A. Ratliff of Perry announces in this issue for constable of Precinct 6.

       The announcement of J. E. Ussery appears in today's paper for county clerk.

       M. S. S. Spencer of Virginia, is visiting his brothers H. F. and C. B. Spencer.

       Rev. D. H. Hotchkiss has returned from Bastrop where he has been holding a meeting.

       There will be an all day singing at the Blue Ridge Baptist church Sunday May 4th.  All invited.

       Mr. B. A. Watson, brother of Col. A. E. Watson, after a few days stay in the city has returned to his in Burtin.

       FOR SALE -- A good cow, four years old, fresh in milk.  One mile east of court house on Kosse road.  W. W. Tyler.

       The local physicians expect to give their brethern of the Brazos Valley Medial Association a generous reception when they come to Marlin.

       Ben E. Clark of Blevins was in the city Tuesday.  Mr. Clark is slowly recovering from a broken limb he received in a run away at Temple several weeks ago.

       Mr. Stein, the accommodating I. & G. N. agent at Phelps, is in Marlin for a few weeks for the benefit of his health which we all hope will be much improved--Huntsville Item.

       REWARD $2.50.--An English bull dog, about one year old, all white, with black nose, ears cut, the right being longer and not well trimmed.  Been gone about two weeks.  Also cut mark over one eye.  Jno. L. Bates.

       Gray Little of Troy, Bell county, was in the city Thursday visiting his brother Ernest.  Mr. Little formerly lived at Reagan and his old friends in this county are pleased to know that he is doing well.

       The report for the Marlin public schools for month of March show a total enrollment of 840 with an attendance of 89  per cent.  The total collection for tuition was $121.45.  Not collected, 75 cents.

       Messrs Frank Little and John Sanders of DeKalb, Miss., returned Thursday night after a short visit to Texas.  They came here to look at the country with a view of purchasing and were very favorably impressed.

       James Skelton, an old Huntsvillite, who has been away many years at Velasco, and later at Marlin, is here this week on a visit to his old friends.  They will all come back to Huntsville sooner or later.--Huntsville Item.

       Mayor Wm. Shelton expressed himself as quite well pleased with the Confederate Reunion.  Everything, of course, was crowded but the Judge thinks that Dallas has done remarkably well in caring for the crowds.

       The barn of W. W. Hammer was broken into Monday and the thief attempted to carry off some corn.  He made two attempts to carry out his purpose but was unsuccessful each time.  The officers have the case in hand and it will be thoroughly investigated.

       The crop prospects of Falls county were never better than at present.  From every section of the county the farmers report corn, cotton and small grain doing nicely.  The crops are clean and well worked out.  If the present favorable conditions continue old Falls will show one of the largest yields in its history.

       The Marlin contingent of the Dallas reunion have all returned and without exception express themselves as delighted with the reunion and the manner of Dallas taking care of the old veterans.  The crowd was great and of course there was some little confusion until matters got kinder settled down as it were.

       Miss Eva L. Nettles entertained a number of her friends in an informal way at the residence of Mrs. Fannie P. Nettles on Monday evening.  Those present were:  Misses Barclay, Watson, Sallie Peyton, Agnes Peyton, Finks, Frank; Messrs Adams, Connally, Coleman, E F Smith, Trash, Martin.

       We have just returned from St. Louis where we have completed a thorough course in "Guerin's College of Photography," and are now ready to give the public the benefit of the latest and most scientific  methods.  Call and see us.  Satisfaction guaranteed.  Studio over post office.                                                         John J. Ward

       Mr. and Mrs. S H Johnson have returned from a short visit to Austin to Mrs. Johnson's only living uncle, Lieutenant W P Malone, a veteran of the Southern army, the only living commissioned officer of company I, Seventh Regiment Tennessee Calvary.  Lieutenant Malone is over 81 years of age and is now in Marlin visiting Mr and Mrs Johnson.  He is a planter on the Mississippi river near Memphis.  He was wounded at Hernarda, Miss., the ball entering his lower jaw and coming out at the back of his neck.

       Commander Geo. A. King of Willis Lang Camp and a number of his comrades are very profuse in their expressions of gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Godley of Oak Cliff, for courtesies extended them while at the reunion.  They were taken by Mr. Godley out to his residence where they were shown every consideration that mortal man could expect.  Mr. and Mrs. Godley formerly lived in Marlin and are remembered very kindly by many of our citizens.

       The Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church had a most delightful time on Saturday at their picnic which was given in Captain Martin's pasture near town.  The ladies had as their guests the teachers of the city schools and about dinner time a number of hungry "hubbies" found their way out to the picnic and joined in the elegant luncheon spread under the shades on the grass.  It was a most pleasant outing to all.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas