The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 11
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, May 12, 1904


R. P. McKewen of Lufkin, who has been visiting his brothers W. M. and Dan, left Tuesday for a visit to Dallas before returning home.

Rev. M. T. Andrews left Tuesday afternoon for Nashville to attend the Southern Baptist convention.

D. E. Herschfield a prominent citizen of Beaumont is in the city for a few days recreation.

At the examination of county teachers completed Saturday, there were nine applicants for teachers certificates, eight of whom were successful in securing certificates.

The school picnic at Westphalia Tuesday was attended by a large number of people, the candidates being well represented.

A. L. Teagarden, a prominment merchant of Austin, is in the city.

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Laper of Victoria are among the visitors.

Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Burk of Venus are in the city.

John W. Stuart of Fort Worth was in the city Sunday.

June corn seed for sale at La Serda Ranch. L. W. Goodrich.

Fred R. Parnell of San Antonio is in the city on a visit to relatives.

Miss Ethel Bowman of Mooresville was visiting Mrs. H. C. Crawford the past few days.

Mrs. Lewellyn and daughter Miss Lomaa are spending a month at Mineral Wells.

J. A. Powers of Edwards county arrived Thursday on a short visit to Marlin.

A O. Bowdon. at Rice's Drug Store will repair your watche, clocks and jewelry.

Mrs. C. P. Salter and Miss Ella Lovett of Calvert are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Cousins.

Miss Hinda Gaines of Galveston, who has been visiting Mrs. A. G. Minter, has gone to Llano for the benefit of her health.

J. D. McPherson has been appointed by the school board to take the scholastic census of Marlin.

A. U. Morgan who has been in the city several days left Sunday for St. Louis where he will represent the Trinity Lumber company during the World's Fair.

Some repairs are being made on the floor in the vault of the county clerk's office preparatory for the installation of the new shelving that was ordered some time since.

Permits to wed: Henry Edwards, Calidonia Smith; Henry Kaulfuts, Olvina Scheller; John Prince, Dovie Wilkerson; E H Markham, M E Markham; A H Justice, H R Roberson.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Preston of Fort Worth are visitors to Marlin. Mr. Preston is general freight agent of the Frisco railway.

R. B. Godley, formerly a citizen of Marlin now at Dallas is spending a day or two in the city, having come thus far with the Dallas delegation, whom will join again.

Mrs. Fountain and Miss Lancaster had planned to entertain the teachers on Friday evening, but on account of bad weather, the occasion was postponed.

Miss Ida Martin presented the school with two books which we have reason to value very highly.

The pupils of the fifth grade believe that pictures are inspiring. They have already purchased some and next week expect another.

Dr. Clemens McMillan writes that he recently visited Quebec and Ontario, Canada. He has been stationed in Vermont on special duties for several weeks.

Hon. J. W. Blake of Dallas is among the visitors and will remain a-week or ten days for his health. Mr. Blake is cashier of the Texas National Bank at Dallas.

S. M. Mixon. who killed two men at Luling last Saturday has been a visitor to Marlin for a number of times within the past two or three years. He owns a 1200 acre farm on the Brazos river in this county.

Depredations at the public park, that have been practiced almost since the first opening, have almost reached the limit of human endurance. On Sunday a number of hoodlums rode their horses up into the pavilion and otherwise damaged the property.

The vital statistics record of Falls county for the month of April shows only eight deaths, all whites and thirty nine births, all white by (?) It is evident from the (?) that negro births and deaths not fully or promptly reported.

A. B. McBride visited Waco Monday in the interest of "Marlin Splits," the new form of Marlin mineral water. He met with splendid encouragement from the wholesale and retail dealers of the central city.

Otto Wolfe who purchased the Beikoff bankrupt stock in Marlin last winter has recently been adjudged insane by a court in New
Orleans.  It is stated that a number of spurious checks figured in the criminal prosecution against Wolf.

Deputy Sheriff Steen has returned from a trip to Barclay and other sections of West Falls. He reports tremendous rains over there and considerable damage done to crops in the low lands and to public roads. A number of smaller bridges were washed away entirely and others damaged. Some hail but the damage from this was light.

The Business League committee in charge of arranging a monthly trade sales and stock exhibition day for Marlin have the matter well under head way and have decided to designate Saturday, May 28th as the first day for special feature for advertising Marlin among Falls county people. The committee is now preparing a full list of premiums, consisting both of special awards and cash prizes, a full list of which will be published in the near future. It is to be hoped that every resident in Falls county will take an interest in this initial step.


Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.